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Author Topic: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application  (Read 5754 times)

Offline Skeleton

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TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« on: October 25, 2016, 11:24:53 AM »
1. Which position do you wish to apply for?
Game Server Admin

2. Have you ever previously applied for a position in TF2SwapShop?

3. List any current staff members you know or have any personal relations with.
I do not know many of the admins on SS. But the ones i am very close with are Sins, and Penny fits. I see them as very close friends though for some reason i don't have penny added, But currently Sins is running SSBL, A heavy boxing league, He hosts tourneys every Saturday with Penny, And i go every Saturday, And thus have crowned myself the heavy weight champ.

Long story short, Me and Sins are close. Penny, Not so much, But very close nonetheless.

4. Do you have a microphone that you are willing to use?

5. Age:

6. What Time Zone do you live in?

7. List and describe any previous supervisory, administrative or management experience,­ in or out of the game:
At one point i was a mod or admin, Cant remember which, But it was for a friends server, Which sadly didn't last long and shortly dropped, Due to said friend ( SupahMarioX ) Running out of money to hold up the server for long,

Nevertheless the server was nice and fun, Always clean and free of assholes, Mostly because i would arrive everyday to watch the place while he couldn't, Seeing as we were short on staff, Our head admin couldn't be on much, Due to business, So i took it upon myself to watch over everything while they couldn't, Kicking dicks and giving warnings, Other then that it was pretty simple,

Long story short: If elected as a SS staff member, I would almost always be on various servers.

8. What are your goals in this community - or, why do you want to hold this position?
The main reason i'm applying is: I love the community, As previously stated i'm /ALWAYS/ On a SS Server, No underestimation, Trust me. I see friends all the time and i play with them 24/7. Might as well do something with my time there, Yea?

Another reason is because i see the place as it is, And don't get me wrong, i /LOVE/ the people around and i absolutely love playing on the servers, But i want to improve things, Not on a major scale, Just small things here and there. AKA: Roam the servers, Look for Hackers. (They're more common then one would think) Make sure people are having fun on the servers and just generally be an extremely active admin who wants nothing more but to ensure a good time.

9. How much time will you be able to spend:
A. On the servers?
I said exactly with the previous question, (number 8) That i would be heavily active. Hell. I already am, There's rarely a time i'm not on a SS server.

I have thing thing where, I literally get more enjoyment out of trade plaza servers then the game itself, Because i can just goof off with friends i know around the servers and have fun.

And whenever i look for a trade plaza server, I ALWAYS Make sure its an SS server.

B. On the forums?
I've spent little to no time on the forums, That much i can admit, Truth be told i'm just now finding out we have a website, I never thought to look, But now with this being applied, I will spend as much time on the Forums as requested. I've only modded a forum once, Though it was quickly taken down due to large requests to do so, Though keep in mind 99% of my time will be dedicated to the servers.

10. How long have you been playing on our group of servers?
As long as i can remember, I would always see them around 24/7. I'm not entirely sure of the exact time I've spent, But i guarantee its a large amount, I'm a server regular.

11. Do you speak any languages other than English?
Sadly no, Though i am 100% fluent in English.

12. Link your SteamRep and other sources that show your reputation here:

Clean as a whistle, Sir,

13. If you have alternate accounts, list any alternate accounts that you own:
No alt accounts, Never had the need for one,

14. Describe a time when you lost control of your emotions and how you were able to cope with the situation (P.S: This can be about anything; it doesn't have to be from in-game.):
Usually when a situation similar to that happens, I simply put down my controller and step away for a moment to take a breather, Gather my thoughts and whatnot before saying another word,

15. What do you consider in your personality to be strengths? What do you consider in your personality to be weaknesses?
My personality is a mix between Heavily Logical,

(AKA: Will do what needs to be done, So long as the action is necessary, )

And also trustful, Honor and all that good stuff. But my real strengths lie in my logical thinking, Friends tell me i over think stuff often, Though i don't see it as such a problem.

But as a weakness goes, I can get frustrated easily

16. Assess these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:
  • Logical: 10
  • Patient: 9
  • Reactive: 7
  • Creative: 8
  • Polite: 9
  • Reasonable: 9
  • Objective: 9
  • Perceptive: 8
  • Compassionate: 9
  • Troubleshooter: 8
  • Honest: 9

17. After you become an admin, how would you react to these situations below:
A: How would you deal with a person who was making racist comments?
Give him an extremely firm warning, If warning is ignored, Then i would kick him, And if that Kick was ignored and he came back doing the same thing, I would ban him, Plain and simple.

B: A group of players are offended by remarks that another player made, but you yourself do not find them to be offensive. How would you respond?
I would again, Give them a firm warning. Even if i myself am not offended by their comments, Or hell, If i even agree with them i will firmly tell them to stop. And kick them if they ignore the warnings, So on and so forth.

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
If it becomes way too excessive i will do something, One person at a time, And if they repeat what they say excessively i would punish them.

D: Another TF2SS admin is exploiting their powers in game; what will you do about it?
I assume other admins couldn't take other Admin rights, So i would otherwise Take screenshots, And alert Death. Or anyone else who is free at the moment, Preferably someone at a higher power then my own, But i would alert anyone who was free.

E: What would you do when answering a report that [username] is speed hacking on one of our servers?
Go on, And actually take a look at the situation, If the User is simply using high speed he bought from the shop, Then i will explain what that means if the reporter didn't know you could do that, Otherwise if it was a false report i would firmly tell them the consequences if they do it again.

If the user was actually indeed speed hacking, I will ban him on sight. Hacking cannot be tolerated, Especially on Trade servers. SteamRep looks at that kinda stuff.

F: A regular user threatens to ban another player if they do not comply with rules that do not exist. What will you do about it?
I would firmly tell him to stop, Explain the situation to the player being threatened, And Warn the other player to stop with the threatening, And alert everyone that he indeed does not have these powers. And tell that player that impersonating an admin is not tolerated.

G: A group of enemy players dominate you, ignoring everyone else and changing teams if you join the team they are on, killing only you over and over again. What will you do about it?
Usually in this situation, Admin or not, I would take the challenge and try to take them on, 4 or 5v1 isn't as hard as you'd think, Though i would never ban anyone or kick anyone for it, Its all within the rules,

H: How do you deal with a player who comments publicly that: you are an asshole, the server sucks ass, and continues to insult anyone who kills them with profanity & by screaming on the mic?
High profanity will result in a firm warning, I would kindly ask them to be a little nicer, And if my warning is ignored, I will Gag him for an amount of time, And once i remove the gag i'd ask him once more to stop. And if ignored I will reward him kindly with a kick, hopefully that kick would cause him to stop, Though if i see it again from any other player, The same warning will be given, And if ignored. A Kick,

I: A regular player on our server says that they will offer free godmode for anyone who trades a hat to them. What will you do about it?
I will quickly shut that down, Alert everyone that he is /Not/ staff. He /Doesn't/ have this power. And make sure that the player impersonating an Admin and an Admins powers is rightfully punished, Gag him or mute him. Impersonation and scamming cannot be tolerated.

J: A player who bought the Headless Horsemann perk from the shop complains after another player slays him/her. What do you tell the slayed Headless Horsemann player?
Inform him to take his revenge, Because that's all he can do, Killing is allowed in the servers and i'd inform him that honestly that's all he can do, Use !Shop and take his revenge, Im not going to punish a dude for being within the rules.

K: How do you define Admin abuse?
Admin abuse is where an Admin uses his rank again the people of the server, Kicking and Banning people because he slightly disliked them, Using godmode to kill others at will and just generally using his powers and rank against other people of lower power. And simple Abuse,

After filling out this application, what are your feelings toward becoming a Server Admin on our servers?
I would /Love/ to become an admin,

If you want an Extremely just and active Admin whose always on the servers. 24/7. I urge you to accept this application,
« Last Edit: October 27, 2016, 03:12:06 PM by [TheMagicSpookyMan] »

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2016, 05:33:49 PM »
I suggest going back and editing grammatical errors and punctuation.
counter sally strike go

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2016, 03:55:57 AM »
I suggest going back and editing grammatical errors and punctuation.

Honestly, good luck.

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2016, 06:01:00 AM »
Grammar aside, this was an amazing application. Best of luck!

Offline Hamtaro

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2016, 05:05:41 PM »
I have disabled smileys from your application post, as it seems to have created an emoticon when you pointed a question number for reference.

Will be updating this post with my questions at a later moment.

14. Describe a time when you lost control of your emotions and how you were able to cope with the situation (P.S: This can be about anything; it doesn't have to be from in-game.):
Usually when a situation similar to that happens, I simply put down my controller and step away for a moment to take a breather, Gather my thoughts and whatnot before saying another word,

You have mentioned how you cope with the situation, but can you describe us a moment when you lost control of your emotions?

15. What do you consider in your personality to be strengths? What do you consider in your personality to be weaknesses?
My personality is a mix between Heavily Logical,

(AKA: Will do what needs to be done, So long as the action is necessary, )

And also trustful, Honor and all that good stuff. But my real strengths lie in my logical thinking, Friends tell me i over think stuff often, Though i don't see it as such a problem.

Any weaknesses you can consider to be in your personality?

16. ASSess (<- I have changed this to only have the A in capital, as I noticed being like this when I read your application) these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:

    Logical: 10
    Patient: 9
    Reactive: 7
    Creative: 8
    Polite: 9
    Reasonable: 9
    Objective: 9
    Perceptive: 8
    Compassionate: 9
    Troubleshooter: 8
    Honest: 9

Why do you rate yourself perfectly when it comes to logical and rate Reactive as your lowest attribute?

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
If it becomes way too excessive i will do something, One person at a time, And if they repeat what they say excessively i would punish them.

How exactly would you punish them?

As mentioned by others, I suggest you review your application for any grammatical errors that could be fixed.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 05:20:27 PM by Hamtaro »
I don't bite, so feel free to message me if anything.
Hablo español con gran fluidez, asi que deje un mensaje si tienes dudas.

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2016, 07:59:23 PM »
I have disabled smileys from your application post, as it seems to have created an emoticon when you pointed a question number for reference.

Will be updating this post with my questions at a later moment.

14. Describe a time when you lost control of your emotions and how you were able to cope with the situation (P.S: This can be about anything; it doesn't have to be from in-game.):
Usually when a situation similar to that happens, I simply put down my controller and step away for a moment to take a breather, Gather my thoughts and whatnot before saying another word,

You have mentioned how you cope with the situation, but can you describe us a moment when you lost control of your emotions?

I cant think of a moment in particular, But there are times where, i suppose, i feel i was treated unfairly, or i didn't like a situation that was happening, so i become quite frustrated and get angry over little things, But though i quickly just step away and think it all through, Suggesting my anger can lead to blindness.

15. What do you consider in your personality to be strengths? What do you consider in your personality to be weaknesses?
My personality is a mix between Heavily Logical,

(AKA: Will do what needs to be done, So long as the action is necessary, )

And also trustful, Honor and all that good stuff. But my real strengths lie in my logical thinking, Friends tell me i over think stuff often, Though i don't see it as such a problem.

Any weaknesses you can consider to be in your personality?

I suppose at times i can become frustrated or angry easily, i have high patience yes, but some things just trigger me, but those things that trigger me i wont find in servers. it all depends on the situation

16. Assess (<- I have changed this to only have the A in capital, as I noticed being like this when I read your application) these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:

    Logical: 10
    Patient: 9
    Reactive: 7
    Creative: 8
    Polite: 9
    Reasonable: 9
    Objective: 9
    Perceptive: 8
    Compassionate: 9
    Troubleshooter: 8
    Honest: 9

Why do you rate yourself perfectly when it comes to logical and rate Reactive as your lowest attribute?

I rate myself in such a way because i often overthink things, or situations, Thus it causes me to make a decision much slower. But this only means that the action i carry out in the end is thought through, and not rushed,

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
If it becomes way too excessive i will do something, One person at a time, And if they repeat what they say excessively i would punish them.

How exactly would you punish them?

If the micspam becomes too much to handle, Then a Gag will be issued, So others may have a chance to speak.

As mentioned by others, I suggest you review your application for any grammatical errors that could be fixed.

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2016, 04:08:50 PM »
Good luck to you kind sir

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2016, 02:18:02 PM »
Good luck to you kind sir

Thanks! I really hope i get the spot, I worked hard on my App and i love SS :P

Offline Hamtaro

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Re: TheMagicMarksMan - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2016, 03:30:00 PM »
Thank you for applying for TF2SwapShop administration, however we regret to inform you that we feel that you do not satisfy our standards for server administrators at the moment.

You may re-apply again after 3 months have passed.

Application denied.
I don't bite, so feel free to message me if anything.
Hablo español con gran fluidez, asi que deje un mensaje si tienes dudas.