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Author Topic: [[Leo]] - Game Server Admin Application  (Read 3206 times)

Offline [[Leo]]

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[[Leo]] - Game Server Admin Application
« on: September 27, 2015, 05:04:41 PM »
1. Which position do you wish to apply for?
Game Server Admin

2. Do you have a microphone that you are willing to use?

3. Age:

4. What Time Zone do you live in?

5. List and describe any previous supervisory, administrative or management experience,­ in or out of the game:
I have been an administrator on a few other games, and I completely understand the responsabilities that comes with administration.

6. What are your goals in this community - or, why do you want to hold this position?
My goals are to help users enjoy their experience. I completely understand if I might be underage, but personally, I can't stand cheaters and trolls, and I feel for the other users that have to deal with them, and that is why I would like to help.

7. How much time will you be able to spend:
A. On the servers?
I will be able to play on the servers for approximately 2-4 hours on the weekdays, and around 3-6 hours on weekends.

B. On the forums?
I'm not much of a forumer, so I would say around 20-30 minutes a day.

8. How long have you been playing on our group of servers?
I have been playing on TF2SS servers for around a month or so.

9. List a reputation thread here (your SteamRep URL and/or other reputation threads):

10. If you have alternate accounts, list any alternative accounts that you own:
My alternate account is 730X

11. Describe a time during which you lost control:
I do not recall any moments of which I have lost control.

12. What do you consider in yourself to be strengths? What do you consider in yourself to be weaknesses?
My strengths would be my intelligence, my ability to percieve things, creaitivity, maturity, and somewhat compassionate.
My weaknesses are that I can be angered somewhat easily, fairly disorganized, and can be prone to laziness.

13. Assess these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:
  • Logical: 8
  • Patient: 6
  • Reactive: 8
  • Creative: 8
  • Polite: 10
  • Reasonable: 7
  • Objective: 4
  • Perceptive: 8
  • Compassionate: 5
  • Troubleshooter: 8

14. After you become an admin, how would you react to these situations below:
A: How would you deal with a person who was making racist comments?
First off, I would politely ask them to stop. If they refuse, I will take further actions and possibly kick them. If I catch them on the server and continuing to make racist comments, I might have to issue a ban.

B: If a group of players are offended by remarks that you yourself do not find offensive, how would you respond?
I respect other people's opinions, so I would ease up on the remarks related to that topic.

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
Again, I wuld politely ask them to stop, and if they refuse to stop, further actions will take place.

D: Another TF2SS admin is exploiting their powers in game; what will you do about it?
I would contact a head admin with proof.

E: What would you do when answering a report that [username] is speed hacking on one of our servers?
First, I would spectate them to see if it is true. If they are, I would temporarily ban them them as a warning, then permanently ban them if I catch them doing it again.

F: A regular user threatens another player that they will be banned if they do not comply with rules that do not exist. What will you do about it?
I would tell the user that he is a fraud, then ban him for a small period of time.

G: A group of enemy players dominate you, ignoring everyone else and changing teams if you join the team they are on, killing only you over and over again. What will you do about it?
Personally, I would /killall, and join a new server. I understand that the point of the game is to kill, but sometimes it can get a bit ridiculous.

H: How do you deal with a player who comments publicly that: you are an asshole, the server sucks ass, and continues to insult anyone who kills them with profanity & by screaming on the mic?
I would ban them for a certain amount of time since they believe that the server "sucks ass". Nobody likes annoying people.

I: A regular player on our server says that they will offer free godmode for anyone who trades a hat to them. What will you do about it?
I would warn the server, then kick him from the server as a warning.

J: A player who bought the Headless Horsemann perk from the shop complains after another player slays him/her. What do you tell the slayed Headless Horsemann player?
I would explain that the HHHH isn't invincible and will die eventually, you should have been aware of that before you spent the 3000 credits.

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Re: [[Leo]] - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2015, 05:32:19 PM »

We thank you for taking an interest in becoming a part of our staff and applying here at TF2SwapShop, however you have failed to meet our minimum age requirement of 16. You application is therefore denied.

You may reapply when you have met all of our requirements.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 05:37:51 PM by Hades »