General => Discussions => Old Discussions => Topic started by: mental on October 02, 2016, 05:38:05 AM

Title: I bid my retied friends goodbye! [Requesting Topic Lock]
Post by: mental on October 02, 2016, 05:38:05 AM
I am very sad to make this post,  but I wont be happy until I post it. Here are my farewells to two of my best friends.

Psykotik: I will forever miss you man. Its been a blast hanging out on server saying "Ayy Lmao" and other hilarious things. You leaving has left a hole in my heart bro. I will never forget you ... (Even tho you are on my friends list <3).

Spykotik (Peachy): I will miss you alot aswell as I wont be able to hear that soft voice ever again. All the times we spent on server playing around and mucking about ... it was the good times :'D. You leaving will also leave a hole in my heart, and I will never forget you aswell ... (Even tho you are on my friends list as well <3).

Its been fun hanging out with the both of you, and may you have a very great tf2 life.

Title: Re: I bid my retied friends goodbye! [Requesting Topic Lock]
Post by: Psy on October 02, 2016, 11:53:00 AM
One of the fun community members out there.

Thank you. <3
Title: Re: I bid my retied friends goodbye! [Requesting Topic Lock]
Post by: Hamtaro on October 02, 2016, 12:34:11 PM
Locking the Topic by poster's request.