Hey guys just selling some thing feel free to add me or trade request me for these items.
-Strange Sniper~5ref
Strange ks Silver botkiller sniper MK1~12 ref
Genuine Spec ks Machina~10-11ref
Strange Ks Carbonado Botkiller Minigun MK1~9ref
Strange Spec ks axstinguisher~8-9ref
Strange Silver botkiller Rocketlauncher Mk2~5refVintage Camera Beard~2-3ref
Vintage Jarate masters yellow belt (Team Spirit)~19-20ref
Genuine 70's Chapeau~10ref
Executioner (Austrailium gold)~5 ref
All of these items are up for offer I will discuss prices if you think they are too high,
All prices are off backpack.tf... My inventory ->
http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198079488962Trade Offer ->
https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=119223234&token=vOCx7B4gAdd me -> -ᴛғ2ss- RenoRaider
Thank You, and have a great rest of your day <3