I've done goofed up.
I thought it was a very good idea to wipe my phone, the very /same/ phone that housed my MOBILE AUTHENTICATION. And shut my computer down until tomorrow
The very next day, i attempt to log in, and find out my mobile authentication is gone because i've cleaned my phone,
"Okay that's fine, ill just re-download the steam app, and just log--"
[Please input your mobile authentication code]
I'm now currently getting a few good headaches from trying to work with steam-support, because the phone number linked to my steam account is out-dated, and i never updated it,
So this is just a message to tell everyone about my whereabouts, and that i'll be missing from everywhere else but the steam website and the forums. So at the moment its best to contact me though PM here on the forums, until i get this stuff sorted out
And if i can't. Please attend my 4+ year old account's funeral with me.