• July 26, 2024, 06:29:07 PM

Author Topic: Board Information:  (Read 39410 times)

Offline Deathâ„¢

  • King Of Death
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  • Posts: 2465
  • The Unholy King Of Death
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Board Information:
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:18:10 PM »
Welcome to TF2SwapShop

We are an established community for Team Fortress 2 item trading and fun gameplay.
For those who wish to receive notices on events, please join the "TF2SwapShop" Steam group pages located here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tf2swapshop (TF2)
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/swapshopgaming (CS:GO)

As part of maintaining all the servers we have running, we need volunteers to enforce rules. As part of owning our own server, we have advertising in-game to assist with the costs of hosting, hardware maintenance and upgrades, coding time and server management. Staff and people who donate are exempted from advertisements (Conditions apply). We are looking for additional staff. If you are interested in becoming a staff member please see the link below:
Apply for Administration here.

Guests are only permitted to view the topics on our forum. If you wish to reply to a topic, you need to log in with Steam.
Below links are provided for members only. (Effective July 16, 2014)

Join our Discord server!

Click on the following links for more information:

* News / Changes to servers
* Our staff members
* List of inactive staff
* Our Ban List
* Give us your input/feedback on the servers here
* Post your trades here

Report issues / Contact support
* General help section / Contact support
* Report admin abuse here
* Report other players here
* Report bugs here
* Donation bot issues

Apply for administration / Ban appeals
* Apply for Administration here
* Appeal your bans here

Common criteria:

"Be annoying and expect to get annoyed"
"A true gentleman asks nicely and is patient"
"It's just a game; don't take it personally"
"Rules are in place to provide structure and are to be used as general guidelines"

Please take a moment to read our guidelines:

In-Game Guidelines
Forum Guidelines
Staff Guidelines (Staff only)

Thank you for being a part of the TF2SwapShop community.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 07:05:02 PM by Deathâ„¢ »