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Author Topic: Ban Appeal  (Read 48372 times)

Offline Death™

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2015, 08:03:59 PM »
Hello, I am lil twinkie brother. And what i've heard is that I got banned from this server from no reason.
Please explain what actually happened.

Offline Sixteen

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2015, 08:26:15 PM »
Please, bring your brother forth so that he can give me any other information regarding this birthday party, hacker friend, and such. The more detail the better so that I can better justify your situation.
Coolkid, please tell me what you know of this.
Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

Offline coolkid0618

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2015, 09:43:18 PM »
Please, bring your brother forth so that he can give me any other information regarding this birthday party, hacker friend, and such. The more detail the better so that I can better justify your situation.
Coolkid, please tell me what you know of this.
So what happened is that I wasn't playing tf2 until the next day I noticed that I was banned. My brother lil twinkie was banned too. I asked him why I was banned. He said yesterday at a party, his friend probably hacked and web banned us or ip. I didn't see this coming so I was banned for some months until my brother asked me to be his witness today, helping him and me appealing this ban.

Offline Death™

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2015, 09:52:35 PM »
After viewing the steamrep profiles for both users something doesn't add up...

Coolkid0618 has 3 friends
Lil' Twinkie has 13 friends - 7 of them have unknown profiles

The more you talk the more you sound like the same person...

Offline Sixteen

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2015, 01:51:38 PM »
I'm sorry to say both Cool and Lil', but your story is frankly an unbelievable one. Just to restate your claims:

Your sister had a birthday so a friend of yours came over and logged onto his account with your IP. He installed his hacked client and went onto our servers. He then got your IP perma-banned. Later, without knowing any of this, you try to get on to our servers but realize you are banned. So as a result, you think your friend did this and not your brother, so you scroll down to his account and remove him from your friends list.

It sounds like a sensible story... except for a few things that don't add up. Either "your friend" did all of the hacking without you in the room which would be strange because it was your sisters birthday and he should at least be with you OR he was with you during the hacking and you let him do such a thing on our servers. Next, we go to your good friend "yo mama". Before all of this, you were friends with him because obviously, like you stated, you had to unfriend him because he was harm to you. But this account you say you unfriended doesn't make sense with regards your story. Why were your friends with someone who had 0.4 hours in one game with no other games, no other friends, and was a Steam Level 0? Once again, it doesn't make sense. Lastly, like Death said, your story is unconvincing because not only do you and your brother have very similar profile pictures but you also sound very much like the same person.

With all of this said, I very much find that your story is bogus and deny your appeal for ban. I of course am not the final decision, but still I don't think you can hope that you will be unbanned. As shown above, everything points to you having done the hacking, and that is not what we want on our servers.

Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

Offline [Σ] Zack

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2015, 04:19:17 PM »
I would like to clarify that you were not banned "for no reason". Either you or someone using your computer was using aimbot, and they were banned for aimbotting, then IPbanned for returning and continuing to aimbot after being banned. And lets be honest, your story doesnt sount very credible. Which sixteen as already recapped. I would also like to add in the fact that you claim YOUR friend came over to YOUR SISTERS birthday.

Offline Fractal3

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2015, 07:29:53 AM »
It is always amazing how some people can make up incredible stories, point fingers at other people and outright lie to avoid simple life lessons.  If people only realized that telling the simple truth and apologized might they avoid any further issues.  Naturally, I would warn against unbanning, but for entertainment sakes we can unban you and wait until you hack once more to once more ban your ip address.  Or maybe he is sitting on credits which he wants to transfer to another account?

There are three people in this.  Yo Mama (Who obviously hacked as they are VAC banned)..  You and this other account Lil Twinkie which is clearly an alt-account.

People who believe that they can play unfair often get addicted to continuing to play unfair, and like catching someone selling drugs and releasing them on bail, the likely hood of catching them again is great.

I won't take sides on this one.  I am too busy with other stuff to fly with this one.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 07:39:19 AM by Pixels303 »

Offline coolkid0618

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2015, 05:44:44 PM »
It is always amazing how some people can make up incredible stories, point fingers at other people and outright lie to avoid simple life lessons.  If people only realized that telling the simple truth and apologized might they avoid any further issues.  Naturally, I would warn against unbanning, but for entertainment sakes we can unban you and wait until you hack once more to once more ban your ip address.  Or maybe he is sitting on credits which he wants to transfer to another account?

There are three people in this.  Yo Mama (Who obviously hacked as they are VAC banned)..  You and this other account Lil Twinkie which is clearly an alt-account.

People who believe that they can play unfair often get addicted to continuing to play unfair, and like catching someone selling drugs and releasing them on bail, the likely hood of catching them again is great.

I won't take sides on this one.  I am too busy with other stuff to fly with this one.
Actually, Lil' Twinkie is not an alt account. Clearly I would be buying 2 gmod then.

Offline Sixteen

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2015, 05:49:29 PM »
I'm glad that is the only thing you have to refute. It seems you are indirectly telling us all that we were correct, which makes us even more certain. Thank you for your time. <3

P.S. My friend, there is actually a way you could both have G-Mod without having to have bought it twice. There is a feature on valve for those who have multiple accounts within their house whether it be family members or alt accounts known as "Family Sharing". Amazing, isn't it?

Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

Offline ★Twinkie★

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2015, 06:04:56 PM »
I'm glad that is the only thing you have to refute. It seems you are indirectly telling us all that we were correct, which makes us even more certain. Thank you for your time. <3

P.S. My friend, there is actually a way you could both have G-Mod without having to have bought it twice. There is a feature on valve for those who have multiple accounts within their house whether it be family members or alt accounts known as "Family Sharing". Amazing, isn't it?

Well how do i give you the picture for proof because I got the screenshot of it that I do have it.

P.S. We are not using the same pc.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 06:12:58 PM by Lil' Twinkie »

Offline coolkid0618

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2015, 06:19:17 PM »
I have one too. Please tell us how to send pictures

Offline Sixteen

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2015, 07:35:35 PM »
I apologize, I don't understand. Pictures of what? Also, you can send pictures by way of clicking the Choose File button bellow the text box when replying.
Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

Offline Sixteen

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2015, 07:38:06 PM »
Do you mean to say, you both have G-Mod individually? To be frank, I don't really care. You could very well have bought it twice. Regardless, your story does not benefit you and therefore you will remain banned. I apologize if there are any anomalies but from our perspective, there are not.
Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

Offline Tory Ravufuru

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Re: Ban Appeal
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2015, 09:34:05 AM »
Just to put in my two cents. Ive bought cs go twice for separate accounts. There are benefits in some games to have an actual copy on one's account so having bought a game twice doesn't hold up to a claim of two people.