How'd I do?
I agree with it all.
But...You burned a burrito??? You're a disgrace to humanity.
I like burnt burritos sometimes.
Your grammar sucks and your spelling couldn't be any worse.
You try to be professional like other people but you end up looking like an idiot most of the time.
At least I don't have to be "Mr. Perfect" all the time. I'm professional when I want to be. Also, at least I
don't have to be neutral for almost every opinion possible here.
No matter what position you get, you're still the same immature person that people can get tired of.
If people get tired of me then fine, that's their own damn fault. At least I have a personality.
Sure you're a trial admin, but can you keep it?
I can keep it as long as I believe it. :^)
Your jokes are more stale than the bread that my mom uses to make garlic bread.
Your sense of humor is so dry it caused the Great Famine.
You may be like a brother to me, but I wouldn't mind having a sister instead.
Sisters are overrated. lol
git fuked