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Author Topic: Me..?  (Read 13187 times)

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« on: September 25, 2016, 11:14:40 PM »
Hello. As most of you know me as, Flamin Hot, Clumsy, Cheeto, *sigh* Cum... This is kinda a post to help people understand me and to advert any problems with understanding me in the future. I won't be talking about all positives here too.

I grew up pretty bad. I grew up with 3 fathers and a current step-dad. My father left me a never came back or wanted to speak to me, and when I wanted to, my mom would hand me the phone and it'd be my father #2 speaking to my 6 year old self. I grew up a lot with my grandparents too, which changed when I was 9. It was a heavy hit for me and not so much my sister. I wanted to understand why, and eventually, my mother told me it was because she was pregnant with my little brother. Not to be confused with my step-brother. I also grew up poor. On food stamps, mother working at minimum wage jobs.. yeah. I didn't think we were poor until I learned what poor meant in my 6th grade class - Personal Finance. I wondered why I had to turn in forms called "Free lunch program" and what not. Blah blah blah, medical stuff (Broken arm, UTI, concussion) I'm finally 14. I was happy to be in high school, life going good, girlfriend of 1 year (At the time), school going good. Cruising with bad grades but managed to bring myself up to substantial grades towards the 2nd to 3rd quarter to relax. I get a text from number. Pretty meaty text, but I read it. I found out Father #2 had pancreatic cancer. I also found out that my mother didn't break up with him because he abused her, but because he cheated on her. Still bad, but when they got back together, she cheated on him with Father #3... It was pretty rough and I questioned my mother for a while. 2 months passed and then my step-dad goes to jail. He was sentenced 20 years... However, a pure miracle happened. My real father got arrested (1 month) for not paying child support and we got a check for 21 grand. 19 grand going towards my step-dads bail, and 2 grand going towards personal needs. He is currently in a rehab center for another 2 months. It was a hard hit. Skip 1 year. I found out that my step-brother died. Now, that story can be found elsewhere, but the problem that hit me hard was that I found out late. My mother kept it a secret from me. Still to be determined if that was for the better or not. Now comes the present. I've had 1 month experience at SwapShop and love working here and even being a part of the community. Some people here gave me a real eye opener on how broad life can be. Especially how good burritos can be when you're really hungry. Or how funny something can be in ">" text, etc. Some minor bumps, like having to break off any form of relationship-relationship with someone.. or having to deal with IRL drama. Friends going through breakdowns on the daily, me being there to catch their tears and them when they fall down. It sucks, but I love helping. It puts an insurmountable amount of stress on me, which is why I see a therapist. I hate therapist... well, at least the ones that try to be your friend and act like you can tell them "anything" on the first day. This is currently where my life story ends. The most boring story you could ever invest your time to read. Soo.. below this, I will add a TLDR.

TLDR; Shit happens.

Pros of me: I am a natural helper, I'm never neutral; always happy, pacifist/optimist

Cons of me: Hard to care for others in a time of despair, selfish sometimes, hard to speak

Skills: Guitar, drawing, GMOD Animations?, Music, Math, and Vocabulary (Conventions and grammar TBD)

This is me. Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Hate me or love me, I will be here.

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Re: Me..?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2016, 12:22:50 AM »
Nice to meet you. Quite the interesting story you have there.

I must say this though, never set microwaveable burritos for only 1 minute. Sometimes it takes 3 minutes to get the whole thing heated. Nobody likes those burritos that are still frozen in the middle.. ;)
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Re: Me..?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2016, 08:12:22 AM »
Nice to meet you. Quite the interesting story you have there.

I must say this though, never set microwaveable burritos for only 1 minute. Sometimes it takes 3 minutes to get the whole thing heated. Nobody likes those burritos that are still frozen in the middle.. ;)
I eat them still cold in the middle.. :c
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Re: Me..?
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2016, 06:49:19 PM »
Nice to meet you, hopefully we get to see each other on a server :)