So, it's been a very fun ride. I've had tons of fun with Y'all, and hopefully, I'll come back. But as of now, I'm officially retiring from TF2SS Administration. I've Chewed gum, enforced rules, made friends, and a LOT of enemies over the 2 Years that I've been here.
When I first came to TF2SS, I was a bit oblivious to the stress. It hit me like a sack of bricks when I got my first bout of it. But I had friends to help me with it. I got a few Boyfriends and my current Girlfriend from my tenure here. What more can a guy get from two years? Not much. Thanks for all the fun times! I won't be on TF2 as much, and I'll probably be clearing out the ol' friends list. If I removed you, and you want to actually be friends and not colleagues? Add me again. I love friends. Thanks again. ~Gerbil™.