- The server you were playing on:
TF2SS.com #04
- What bot you traded with:
TF2SS ShopBot 04
- The approximate time and date of the donation:
8/15/15 around 4:36
- The issue at hand:
Today I wanted to get more credit's to get more vip and use more of the shop. So I did !donate and put in 1 key. The Bot sent me the email, I accepted it. Its been over 1 hour and I still haven't got the points. Now I spent my own money on that key, So I either want to get the points, or get my key back. Thanks -Insanity
- Are your email confirmations enable/disabled:
- The amount of credits you expected to receive:
I couldn't see the amount my trade window is to small
- Any other information you feel is important:
I don't want this to happen to any other players so if you could check any other bot to see if they have the same problem.