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Author Topic: Lethal Industries™  (Read 18392 times)

Offline DivineChibi

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Lethal Industries™
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:18:37 PM »
A day or so ago i was banned by lethal since he was the only admin on w/o any warning either it seemed to me because he was getting agitated over a conversation we were having about Cpus earlier so he decided to ban me out of the blue w/o giving reason why. The times ive seen this admin on he loses his temper over simple things then complains about it whenever things don't go his way

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 01:28:34 PM »
A response from Lethal giving his reason here in more detail will be posted soon. Although, there has to be more to the story as he listed innapropriate language, and administrator disrespect.

While you can, please elborate on the conversation, what the topic was, what was said, why, and be as honest as possible. Nobody gets upset without some sort of intention from the instagator.

Although thank you for the report, time will be taken to investigate into the situation.

Offline DivineChibi

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2015, 01:47:10 PM »
Thx you also he would get mad about how people would troll him then i see him in our spawn with no clip and he states on mic *Im doing this just to troll* Pretty sure this is not how admins are supposed to act like even if it is a game and all fun its still not how people with authority should act. A issue that happened maybe a month ago with this same admin i was wondering if it was alrdy taken care of. Sadly i dont have photo or video proof basically he threatend to ban a friend of mine just because he was killing him easily. There was another problem but i would like to dicuss these 1st at least

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 05:47:59 PM »
Currently as these past messages have been posted. They've all been done by mobile, once I have my hands on my pc, I will be able to discuss more and have the matter brought to the table.

In which the date you saw him using noclip and when would also be helpful, along with the server number. If not the number, the Map name. All information is valued in any report.

Offline Ἀΐδης

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2015, 06:48:53 PM »
Your ban details:

Player    DivineChibi    
Steam ID    STEAM_0:1:62355559
Steam Community    76561198084976847
Invoked on    08-25-15 01:33
Banlength    1 d (Expired)
Expires on    08-26-15 01:33
Reason    Admin Disrespect
Banned by Admin    Lethal Industries
Banned from    Web Ban
Total Bans    2 (search)

Ban No. 2 (Most Recent)
Player    DivineChibi    
Steam ID    STEAM_0:1:62355559
Steam Community    76561198084976847
Invoked on    09-11-15 09:56
Banlength    4 hr (Expired)
Expires on    09-11-15 13:56
Reason    Inappropriate Language
Banned by Admin    Lethal Industries
Banned from    TF2SS.COM #25 | Trade/Idle | !shop | FREE PERKS!
Total Bans    2 (search)
Blocked (4)    DivineChibi, DivineChibi, DivineChibi, DivineChibi

I checked for communication bans, however none(Gag/Mute) showed up when searching for the current account.


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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2015, 07:48:11 PM »
To be honest I'm not too surprised Chibi made a report. So it started out some time back in August, around the middle-late part of the month on one of the trade plaza 2 servers (don't remember the number). It was a typical day, Chibi joined the server and so did a friend of his called Nano, or something. Everything was still normal, until at some point RED was getting badly camped. It was mainly because for whatever reason, many of those who were on RED joined BLU so I decided to stay on RED so they wouldn't get hopelessly stuck in spawn. It was only 3 or 4 on that team by that time against around maybe 10 or so BLUs.

Some BLUs were being sniper and made it very difficult to get out, and at some point I noticed Nano with a vaccinator medic looking at spawn by a goal post. So without their knowledge I went into shop and slayed the medic to make it alittle fair, cause in my opinion Nano didn't need a medic backpacking him. So Nano got mad about it and we had a bit of a spat on that. When the insults began to get too heated I told Nano to 'cram it or I would either mute him or put him out for abit.' Throughout the time I would occassionally get noclip and appear at random intervals and headshot them because I knew they were still snipers (also I did it because it was getting funny getting mad about it, I think I burned lot of credits though...) also it was a trolling measure since they were pretty much focusing on me and I decided to annoy them for abit.

At some point they began to insult me about it, my skill at the game, how I wasn't doing my job and how I shouldn't be admin. They also didn't believe how many times I had to ban users for various offenses, which I retorted they wouldn't know since they don't visit the server as often. At some point Nano left to cool down I think, though Chibi decided to stay just to try to piss me off and purposely go after me for a couple hours. He also said to go 'unfuck myself' after he killed me once more before leaving the server. Fusion was also there and I believe Chibi had some talk with him on something.

First off you have to be really persistant if you want to stay up in the late hours of the night trying to kill one person, that's my opinion. Anyway so I talked with Wolf about it on what I should do and even asked Knife I think (wasn't sure if he was still awake at that time). With all things considered, I decided to ban them both for a day due to insults and disrespect. It says only disrespect on there but I forgot to add insults in the notes.

After that for a time I didn't see Chibi again for about a couple weeks until either this week or last week. In regards to yesterday, it was on another trade plaza 2 server (this one was 25). When he joined we weren't gunning for each other at first, then I accidentally killed him due to missing who I meant to kill. So we did a sniper battle for abit, I dominated him for a minute and he managed to dominate me when I wasn't really focusing on him. I told him I would get him back and managed to a few minutes later.

Aside from that our 'conversation' was more of a heated debate over the lag on the server. One of the players had a ping of 700 and I stated that might be why, to which Chibi said it would be a stupid reason due to how the server works, then I told him servers tend to slow down to compensate other players ping (I've seen this happen occasionally on L4D). Alittle later I was getting tired of that debate about server bandwidth so I told him to drop the subject on that to which he complied.

We were still sniping each other but then I decided to go soldier because I got bored of being sniper all the time. I managed to kill him twice and he complained about me switching class, to which I said I was 'bored of sniper' and decided to be something else. Then he claims I did it because he 'beat' me at sniper and had to change class to kill him, saying he 'already won.' In hindsight I could've stayed sniper all day but didn't want to because I wanted to be a more active class.

So he began insulting me again and I retorted with my own jabs about how he was accusing me, saying I was treating my opinions as facts (and I told him he was doing the same thing) and also told him he needed to quit insulting me over stupid stuff. Of course then he brought up that incident last month and I told him if he didn't like it here he's free to leave, cause that last ban he had he earned it. Some other players were kinda jabbing at him too but I wasnt focusing on them. He said he wasn't going to leave and kept insulting me, so I said 'yeah yeah just keep talking', and while he was in mid-rant I put him out for 4 hours for the same reasons that got him banned last time.

I thought about just putting him on mute though I believe he would have kept focusing on me again like last time and I wasn't in the mood to deal with that. Plus I warned him a couple times to just stop talking, and he would but only for a few minutes. After he was gone everything was pretty much peaceful again, and the rest of us just lazed around and did whatever with little killing.

As far as him claiming I lose my temper over little things, he really does not know me well at all. I'm a rather patient man and it takes a decent amount to make me lose that. As far as complaints, it's really just small jabs just about every other player does, i.e. complaining about darwin danger shield snipers, vaccinator medics, occasionally soldiers trying to spawn camp, etc.
Words of Wisdom: Never piss off an engineer, because he will get your balls, no matter what you do

Offline DivineChibi

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2015, 12:51:37 AM »
There was no inappropriate language during that apprant ban i was calmly speaking to u asking not 2 abuse ur admin powers like u did that last time when used the grab command beucase you got killed sadly i cant provide th evidence since i dint expect that out of you. And yes you did lose your temper when they were killing you he apologized and tried to help you to become a beter admin but as ive seen you nothing about you has changed. Also let me ask you this lethal do you have any evidence to me saying this inappropriate language? Also i dont remember a 2nd ban before i came on reguarly w/o any trouble
One more thing i would like to add you act like a admin on here but when i saw you on the game you act completly different.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 12:56:35 AM by DivineChibi »

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2015, 08:46:26 AM »
Chibi you're being hypocritical again. Insulting my skill at the game and how I do my job doesn't exactly count as you being 'calm' as you said you were. You even said it yourself Friday I went soldier just to kill as sniper which was completly wrong. Sure, you may have been calm for a few minutes, but then you started doing the same stuff again, and I told you to calm yourself or knock it off like 4 times or more, which you left out. Since I gave you warnings, I didn't have to notify you that I was going to ban you since you refused to listen.

As I told you before, my use of noclip was from the in-game shop; it doesn't notify everyone else if someone bought it like the others, you'll only know if you see someone moving through walls. If you don't have any proof of it being otherwise how can you tell the difference? As for your first ban, you most likely weren't on to notice it.
Words of Wisdom: Never piss off an engineer, because he will get your balls, no matter what you do

Offline DivineChibi

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2015, 11:52:26 AM »
I belive u have it backwards lethal earlier i told you yourself were being hypocritical because whenever u didnt like something on the server happening u clearly stated it on mic. However you would do exactly what you told everyone else not to do and think its funny? Also i know that Noclip was part of the buy shop its how you act that im more concernd about. And i get that i dont have any evidence but neither do you. You hope that they can just go by your word because your a admin.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 11:57:13 AM by DivineChibi »

Offline Ἀΐδης

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2015, 12:32:55 PM »
This is getting off topic. Until evidence is found or Updates are found I am locking this thread for now.


Offline Ἀΐδης

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Re: Lethal Industries™
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2015, 01:56:42 PM »
Quote from: Server 25 Log Date: 08/25/2015
L 08/25/2015 - 00:06:41: [adminsmite.smx] "Console<0><Console><Console>" smote "DivineChibi<490><[U:1:124711119]><>"
L 08/25/2015 - 00:12:32: [funcommands.smx] "Lethal Industriesâ„¢<515><[U:1:75397378]><>" toggled noclip on "Lethal Industriesâ„¢<515><[U:1:75397378]><>"
L 08/25/2015 - 00:13:18: [funcommands.smx] "Lethal Industriesâ„¢<515><[U:1:75397378]><>" toggled noclip on "Lethal Industriesâ„¢<515><[U:1:75397378]><>"

Looking at the most recent ban log, Lethal did indeed buy noclip from the shop. However on the date of the first ban lethal gave himself noclip(1 time though).
