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Author Topic: Inactive Staff Members  (Read 102016 times)

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2016, 12:07:10 PM »
As some of you may know, (those I'm closest to..) I currently won't be around much.. I'm just going through a lot of things right now. Need some time to myself. Very stressed out, emotionally as well. So unfortunately, I'm not exactly going to be on much.. I'll still however, check things out but, won't be on the servers much. Nor taking reports for now. I hope you all can understand, and not take it personally..
I'm not sure when I'll come back.. but I do know, it won't be for quite some time.
I thank whoever reads this, and appreciate it.
Take care, everyone. I'll be back, maybe in a couple weeks..
Tiny Baby Legs

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2016, 07:33:06 PM »
I shall be going inactive until the beginning of July, most likely. Just need to prioritize school for the moment. Thanks for the wonderful support in this matter.

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2016, 09:26:51 AM »
 Hello, as many of you know, I have been an administrator here for a short amount of time. I've been playing on the servers for basically as long as I remember. Meeting a lot of new people, it has been fun. But, the reason why I am making this topic, is the fact that I am going inactive. I know that it has been a very short run, I am very aware. But, some thing pop up in life that you don't expect.
 As some of you admins already know, I am going through a lot in my personal life, and I don't believe that it should be brought into any community, knowing how bright this one is. This may sound like a stupid reason, but, I don't want my problems to be conflicting with my job as an administrator, and dragging me down to not being able to take reports or go on the forums anymore. Who knows what could happen? So I am taking the time now to make this letter out to you all.
 I am still going to be playing on the servers, and contacting all of you, but, I'd like to thank each and every one of you that has been with me through this tough time I have been dealing with, it really means a lot to me, that you would take your time, and devote it into helping me. I could not have asked for anything else.
 So, yeah. I hope you understand my situation. :)


 Edit: May come back during the time of June, or July, where I don't have so much school work to worry about.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 01:45:50 PM by ATOM1c »
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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2016, 07:50:44 PM »
I will be taking a break from TF2 until probably the second half of summer. I just need a break from TF2 for a while, so I will not be responding to the report bot and will be away from my computer most of the time, other than my phone. I'll see you nerds some time soon.
*breath in* boi

Offline Strum

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2016, 07:48:49 PM »
Steam display name:
Are you resigning or going inactive*:

Estimated date of when you will return : Probably close to end of the summer or when i can get a new computer

Please give a brief explanation for your absence:
Im starting college here soon and playing games is gonna be a hastle for me to be doing with no free time on my hands.

Additional info:
I want to thank all the people of swapshop who have been there for me. I will still be on my mobile if you want to talk.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 07:51:16 PM by strum »
counter sally strike go

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2016, 03:02:45 PM »
As of recently, I have found myself to not be too active on the servers anymore. I greatly apologize for this. The reason for this being is because I have become very invested in real life opportunities that can get me paid for doing things that I really love doing.
If you didn't know this already, I really love writing/composing music. Every now and then I upload new things I have created to my Youtube or Musescore account. However, as of lately, some people have contacted me asking if i could write something for their band and if I comply I will get paid money for it.
So, of course, I am following up on this offer, dedicating almost all of my time to writing things for this client... Also meaning I am not all too active in-game. So I'm not really really being all too helpful with reports, making sure the servers are clean, and giving punishment to people who deserve it.
I'm not too sure how long my inactivity is going to be... But all I do know is on top of all of this, school will start for me in a few days so I will be VERY busy, meaning I will probably not have any time at all to do reports.
I know that I will be able to be active on the forums and help outside the servers.
If you want to mark me as inactive, that's fine. But if there is anything I could possibly do to help out, I would gladly do it. I really love the SwapShop community, and i don't want to let other opportunities to end my career sooner than it needs to be.
Thanks for your time
~Yee B Games
Go on then. You Pompous F***

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2016, 08:52:43 PM »
I'll be inactive on tf2 mostly because of both MOUNTAINS of school work as well as college planning ect.

I might be back sometime during winter break, but if not then some time close to the end of the school year, so around April/June-ish

You might see me on the forums now and then if I even have the time, but until then, see ya in a little bit!
*breath in* boi

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2016, 07:18:20 AM »
Steam display name: Hamtaro

Are you resigning or going inactive: Going Inactive

Estimated date of when you will return: (currently) Undefined

Please give a brief explanation for your absence: I need to think some things over.

Additional info: Will have the Group Chat and Report Bot Chat blocked.
I don't bite, so feel free to message me if anything.
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Offline Biscuit

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2017, 05:04:45 PM »
I am going inactive for a while. Don't know how long, and don't plan on being active for quite a while.

Senior year is hitting harder than I thought it would and I really can't maintain the balance between this job and school. If you have the JOY of having a school that makes you do a "Senior project" then you probably understand why I'm going away.

Not only that, but video games aint as fun as they used to be and I have a lot of plans coming up real soon with someone special in my life. I don't want her to feel like I'm prioritizing my computer over the time we spend together.

Adios, for now.

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2017, 06:46:13 PM »
Hey guys!

I'm gonna go inactive for a while, maybe I might be free again next month or so but I'm not sure, its just that I have my uni finals this month and I cant afford too much distractions. Sorry for being inactive the last few weeks I just kind of forgot to make this :/ cya in a few months guys!!

- Mixxylicious <3

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2017, 06:39:27 PM »
Steam display name: Shh

Are you resigning or going inactive*: Going inactive

Estimated date of when you will return (leave blank if resignation was selected above): About 2 weeks

Please give a brief explanation for your absence: Personal Issues

Additional info:
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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2017, 11:11:14 AM »
As most of you have seen my activity on steam and TF2 in general has really gone down these past few weeks.  Also as most of you may know i am a High School Senior who takes place in athletics.  This has caused me to devote all of my time into my sport and also leaving me with very little time for steam, TF2, and SwapShop.  I love this community to death and i want to stay here as long as i possible can so I'm choosing to go inactive for right now because Baseball means a lot to me and it is really what im going to be focusing on for the next 3-4 months.  I hope everyone can understand that this decision has nothing to do with the community its just i have a lot going on in my life at this moment and i believe i really need a break from Steam in general.  Thank You all for listening and have a great rest of your day

- <3 Reno

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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2017, 07:53:58 AM »
Steam display name:Shh

Are you resigning or going inactive: Inactive

Estimated date of when you will return (leave blank if resignation was selected above): 2-3 months (if longer, will let head-administration know)

Please give a brief explanation for your absence: I need to focus on my life for a while. I fucked up bigtime.

Additional info: I'll be fine, but I need a break. Don't break each other's heads while I'm gone.
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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2017, 09:06:12 AM »
Steam display name: ❆Zabiroc❆ (Currently Named : ❆Snowiroc❆)

Are you resigning or going inactive: I am going Inactive for the Holidays

Estimated date of when you will return : Time of return is scheduled to be around the mid point of January.

The Holidays are a big time in the year, and I want to make sure I've got everything ready, this includes: Gifts for Family and Friends (This includes some Steam Friends and SS Staff... but who? :o) I've got some family reunions to go to as well as a time to spend the remainder of the year with loved ones. I'll still be able to talk. I just won't be able to do much because my agenda may already be occupied. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Additional info(Joke) : If I don't return... Then Synicle probably buried my fluffiness in the snow and left me. You all know what to do when this happens

End of form.                                                                                                      🐾
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Re: Inactive Staff Members
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2018, 07:48:50 PM »
Steam Display Name: Synicle

I'm going to be taking a break from the Swapshop servers for the time being so I can clear up some personal problems irl and spend a bit more time with a few of my friends.

I don't really know when I'll come back but I can assume it'll probably be around the summer, if not, then I might settle for retirement instead.

See you guys in the long run. If Zabi comes back before I do, make sure one of you guys hit him with a shovel for me ❤️