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Author Topic: Formal complaint  (Read 19592 times)

Offline «LoC» R.S.R.

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Formal complaint
« on: October 11, 2015, 03:28:02 PM »
To whomever this may concern,

I would like to post a formal complaint about one of your staff. I was on server #5 between the hours of 10 ~ 11 am GMT 10/11/15. I logged into the server and spec. a player who was obviously using a bot/some sort of aim assistance. He was killing everyone on the opposing team with back to back head shots as a sniper. This went on for about 10~20 min. before I joined the opposite team he was on as a spy to see if he could see me. Sure enough he could see me while I was fully cloaked, he shot and killed me. 5 ~ 7 other people went to spec. after I had died and saw the same thing. This all happened before a staff member was called to handle the situation.

I want to first say I'm more upset with the staff member who handled the situation, then I am with the actually person who was cheating. Chrid logged into the server and joined spec. He was told who the person was and what he was doing, he watched him for about 15 min. I want back onto the opposing team as a spy, so that Chrid could see what the person was doing. He tracked me as a sniper while I was fully cloaked. Chrid said he could  "toggle" whatever he was using but it was clear cut that his character model was having a seizure as he was sniping people. He didn't kill me after that to hide the fact at what he was doing. I finally talked on mic. to Chrid and asked him "Are you going to anything about the Cheater?" He replied in chat to my disbelief "He was not cheating." "There is not enough evidence." I said to him "How can you not see that? You spent 15 ~ 30 min. spec. him along with other people." I want to also note that there where 7 ~ 8 people beyond me who saw the same thing.

I do not know Chrid or his background or how old he/she is but how they handled the situation at hand was in my eyes not staff like behavior. It was conduct unbecoming of someone who has the power to do something about that situation and failed to act on it. Then proceeding to call the people who where reporting it, liars. I also want to note I did not take any screen shots of this but Chrid might. I feel that they should of handled the situation in a more professional manner.

I realize it boils down to a what he said / she said, but I also want to note that I love theswapshop servers and playing on them. I have been playing on them with my clan and close friends. I harbor no ill will towards Chrid or anyone who responds / reads this post. I just wanted to make things know to whoever is in power or reads this because I and a lot people enjoy playing your servers.

Thank you for your time,
- Rusty 

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Re: Formal complaint
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2015, 04:20:43 PM »
I want to first say I'm more upset with the staff member who handled the situation, then I am with the actually person who was cheating. Chrid logged into the server and joined spec. He was told who the person was and what he was doing, he watched him for about 15 min. I want back onto the opposing team as a spy, so that Chrid could see what the person was doing. He tracked me as a sniper while I was fully cloaked. Chrid said he could  "toggle" whatever he was using but it was clear cut that his character model was having a seizure as he was sniping people. He didn't kill me after that to hide the fact at what he was doing. I finally talked on mic. to Chrid and asked him "Are you going to anything about the Cheater?" He replied in chat to my disbelief "He was not cheating." "There is not enough evidence." I said to him "How can you not see that? You spent 15 ~ 30 min. spec. him along with other people." I want to also note that there where 7 ~ 8 people beyond me who saw the same thing.
Situation: I understand the frustration that you must feel. But let me say in the accused defense that, I had speced him and he was confirmed to not be hacking. The account had ~1400 hours. After closely spectating him for 30 minutes I couldn't see any Spinbots, Aimbots, Spastic Motions or anything of the sort. I know he could have been hacking prior to me being there but, I couldn't Ban a guy just because a couple others said so. If I could not prove that he was hacking than we would need an alternative source of evidence to prove that He was indeed a hacker. Which someone did stand up and offer me a bit of information that I thought would serve as evidential relief, but only seemed to make matters worse considering It was just a chat log of the accused changing his name( being kicked from the server for changing his name, Him joining back, etc).I could have banned him from evading from punishment, but... What Punishment? If it was not you posting It would be him asking why he was banned. Anyone can change their name and as such I can't ban a guy just because he changed his name.

I do not know Chrid or his background or how old he/she is but how they handled the situation at hand was in my eyes not staff like behavior. It was conduct unbecoming of someone who has the power to do something about that situation and failed to act on it. Then proceeding to call the people who where reporting it, liars. I also want to note I did not take any screen shots of this but Chrid might. I feel that they should of handled the situation in a more professional manner.
- Note, I never called anyone in the server a lier nor believed any of you were. If anything I believed you on your word that he was a hacker. I just could not prove it with evidence.
I realize it boils down to a what he said / she said, but I also want to note that I love theswapshop servers and playing on them. I have been playing on them with my clan and close friends. I harbor no ill will towards Chrid or anyone who responds / reads this post. I just wanted to make things know to whoever is in power or reads this because I and a lot people enjoy playing your servers.
- I know how hard it is to play with a potential hacker, but lets say for arguement's sake He was not hacking and I banned him. How angry would you feel having a ban on your record for doing potentially nothing wrong? As such I couldn't risk such a thing.

- I am to my fullest extent sorry for the situation I put you in, and I hope you can accept that apology, I was not showing weakness when not banning the accused. Just showing that I won't ban someone just because you or anyone else in the server did not have any proof.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 04:25:04 PM by Chrid »

Offline «LoC» R.S.R.

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Re: Formal complaint
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2015, 05:18:19 PM »
The amount of hours someone has, has nothing or any bearing on the current situation at hand. Also it didn't matter that he changed his name. He was literally tracing me with his cross-hair as I was in cloak(as a spy) and laughing about it, in all chat because he was getting away with it. I mean that didn't raise any red flags to you? And say "Hey, maybe I need some help here and get a second opinion." or "I need someone who knows what to look for." And his cross-hair placement when people came out of spawn instantly tracking there head. I mean honestly how could you not have seen that? It was like watching "over-watch" for CS:GO. The snap to target aim was also a dead give-away, I still think you didn't know what to look for or knew what he was doing.  Yes, it is frustrating because that took my enjoyment of playing on the server away along with other people. No one enjoys dying by a bot, I mean who would? Am I asking to much here or to many tough questions? As far as the proof goes it was there sitting there right in front of your eye balls. 

No you didn't directly call people liars but it was implied by the way you typed it. Saying "There is not sufficient evidence." That was literally like a slap to the face. You could have worded it a lot better.

I would never get banned or put myself in a situation like that because its morally wrong to cheat, scam, bot, ect. There is more of a "risk" for you not doing something about that and talking to me then you just doing something about the situation and it would have been done and over with.

I do accept your apology, I just really wish you would of maned up a bit more instead of being like Switzerland and sitting there. And you shouldn't of just apologized to just me it was the other people on the server who I felt bad for. I am glad that you did agree with me for the most part. I don't mean to be so harsh here but a little bit of extra attention and gracious professionalism would of gone a long way.

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Re: Formal complaint
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2015, 05:44:07 PM »
I still think you didn't know what to look for or knew what he was doing.

Every Admin is aware of what to look for here at SwapShop. We are very Familiar with all forms of hacking, and most familiar with LMAObox.

I would never get banned or put myself in a situation like that because its morally wrong to cheat, scam, bot, ect. There is more of a "risk" for you not doing something about that and talking to me then you just doing something about the situation and it would have been done and over with.

Alright, and what if the player was banned, then came on here to make a ban appeal? Especially supplying Sufficient Evidence That he wasn't. How does that look on an Admin who banned because he "thinks" they are hacking, or go by the word of Regulars of the servers? This would put a bad reputation on Chrid Alone.

No you didn't directly call people liars but it was implied by the way you typed it. Saying "There is not sufficient evidence." That was literally like a slap to the face. You could have worded it a lot better.

How would you like that to be worded? After spectating a player for 15-30 minutes, where there was no obviousness to the Admins eyes to see exactly what happened? In any formal way, that was the way to tell you, that no, he hasn't seen any form of hacking. Exactly what he said to you, was not directly saying "you're a liar" It is directly telling you that he sees no evidence of the player whom is hacking. 
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 05:51:11 PM by -ᴛғ2ss-☠Lunarium Wolf☠ »

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Re: Formal complaint
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2015, 08:11:46 PM »
The way Chrid explained himself in that post was one of the most professional things I could have seen him do. He states every step perfectly and correctly. He knows what hacks look like, and evidently, the player who you claims was hacking, wasn't hacking. He watched for at most an hour and saw nothing. Not only did he put in the time, but he also did a background check. 1,400 hours doesn't mean that the player isn't a hacker, but it is unlikely because why put in all of that time just to hack and possibly get the account VACd? In the end, as he states, he didn't see anything that pointed the player to be hacking, other than a couple of people on the server saying he way.

Now, based on I read from your response, you are saying that the professional thing to do would have been to ban him because you said he was hacking? Sorry to say my friend, but what you say doesn't equal truth. I'm not saying that the player wasn't hacking, just that if a player says someone is hacking and the admin says they aren't, it is much more likely that the player isn't hacking, being that the admin has more experience with such.

BUT even if you were correct with this player hacking, and even if there were a bunch of people spectating the guy to see if he was hacking, how come not a single one of you could have made a recording of the guy hacking? Right, you were relying on the admin because it is their job, but it sounds like you all knew Chrid was admin when he was on with you, so the hacker would know as well which is why he probably turned off his hacks.

And honestly, I'm very confused. Sure, you are angry at an admin for not banning a player, but how come you come here with that complaint but not bring that players Steam account? Do you really want that player banned? Because it does't look like it. Please, give us that players' details so we can spec them when/if they rejoin a SwapShop server. If Chrid was wrong about the hacker, you are doing as much to help that hacker as Chrid is. You are doing nothing.

But drama drama whatever. It's all done. Bygones are bygones. Hopefully next time, all things will work out for the better of the server. Maybe mistakes will be made, but hopefully not.
Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.