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Author Topic: Adelram The Viking - Game Server Admin Application  (Read 3264 times)

Offline Adelram The Viking

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Adelram The Viking - Game Server Admin Application
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:24:18 PM »
1. Which position do you wish to apply for?
Game Server Admin

2. Do you have a microphone that you are willing to use?

3. Age:

4. What Time Zone do you live in?
Eastern Time Zone

5. List and describe any previous supervisory, administrative or management experience,­ in or out of the game:
I have had multiple, albeit not very important, experiences with enforcing disciplinary action, on and off Team Fortress 2, and with leading and/or managing groups of people. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, babysitting, looking after a house for weeks at a time, and dog walking.

6. What are your goals in this community - or, why do you want to hold this position?
I would like the position of administrator so that I could help run a fun community of people wanting to play on your servers, while also enforcing rules that are broken. I've seen some people break rules while nothing was done about it, and I would like to change that, so that the people on SwapShop servers can have a fun time, without the worry that people will scream over the microphone, or attempt to scam them.

7. How much time will you be able to spend:
A. On the servers?
I could easily spend around three hours on SwapShop servers

B. On the forums?
I can spend however much time is needed on the forums

8. How long have you been playing on our group of servers?
I've been playing on your servers for around 2 weeks

9. List a reputation thread here (your SteamRep URL and/or other reputation threads):
Sorry, I'm not sure how to obtain such a thread, but if we begin to discuss more I'm sure I could get some for you.

10. If you have alternate accounts, list any alternative accounts that you own:

11. Describe a time when you lost control of your emotions and how you were able to cope with the situation:
Not to long ago, a friend and I got into a petty argument (I can't exactly remember what it was about) and it got pretty heated. After a little bit we were both very angry with one another, but I saw that the situation was getting out of control, so i stopped it before it went any further. I simply thought "it's a lot better than us being at each others throats for a week"

12. What do you consider in your personality to be strengths? What do you consider in your personality to be weaknesses?
I am self aware that it is a game, and i am a very logical thinker. I am very smart, and i can calmly react to a dangerous situation without loosing my cool. My weaknesses include being slightly young, and I'm sort of a pushover (although with the title of admin, that will more than likely change)

13. Assess these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:
  • Logical: 9
  • Patient: 7
  • Reactive: 7
  • Creative: 6
  • Polite: 8
  • Reasonable: 5
  • Objective: 9
  • Perceptive: 7
  • Compassionate: 7
  • Troubleshooter: 6

14. After you become an admin, how would you react to these situations below:
A: How would you deal with a person who was making racist comments?
I would first give them a warning to stop using phrases like that, and if they didn't i would "gag" them for thirty minutes.

B: A group of players are offended by remarks that another player made, but you yourself do not find them to be offensive. How would you respond?
If the remark was something along the lines of racism, I would tell them to stop, and if they failed to comply to my warning, I would then gag them (or kick them, depending on how bad they were being). If the remark was something along the lines of the "other player" them bad at the game, I would tell the group that it is only a game. With that being said, I would advise the "other player" to stop being rude.

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
Give them a warning and if they continued to micspam, "gag" them so that they couldn't micspam.

D: Another TF2SS admin is exploiting their powers in game; what will you do about it?
Warn him/her that they are breaking the rules, and if they don't stop tell a higher-up.

E: What would you do when answering a report that [username] is speed hacking on one of our servers?
I would tell the reporter to hold on for a few seconds. I would then join the server that the speed hacking was reported on, and, if the report was true, I would kick them without warning.

F: A regular user threatens to ban another player if they do not comply with rules that do not exist. What will you do about it?
I would first tell the "other player" that the fake rule isn't actually a rule. Secondly, I would advise the first person to stop pretending to be an admin, and if they didn't stop, kick them from the server(s)

G: A group of enemy players dominate you, ignoring everyone else and changing teams if you join the team they are on, killing only you over and over again. What will you do about it?
Ask them politely to stop, and if they didn't, I would just deal with it. It's only a game, after all.

H: How do you deal with a player who comments publicly that: you are an asshole, the server sucks ass, and continues to insult anyone who kills them with profanity & by screaming on the mic?
I would tell them that vulgarity and insults are not permitted on any SwapShop server, and then tell them that if they don't like the server, they are more than welcome to leave. After muting them, of course.

I: A regular player on our server says that they will offer free godmode for anyone who trades a hat to them. What will you do about it?
Warn everybody on the server that they were attempting to scam, and proceed to kick them from the server.

J: A player who bought the Headless Horsemann perk from the shop complains after another player slays him/her. What do you tell the slayed Headless Horsemann player?
That it's only a game, and that he/she would get enough credits to buy it again, in time.

After filling out this application, what are your feelings toward becoming a Server Admin on our servers?
I'd absolutely love to be an admin on the SwapShop servers, although i might be a bit young.

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Re: Adelram The Viking - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2016, 11:36:24 PM »
Age: 14

You need to be at least 16 years old to apply for Staff here.

Application denied. You may re-apply once you have met this requirement.
