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Author Topic: Pioneerodin7 - Game Server Admin Application  (Read 3859 times)

Offline Pioneerodin7

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Pioneerodin7 - Game Server Admin Application
« on: July 29, 2016, 08:36:55 PM »
1. Which position do you wish to apply for?
Game Server Admin

2. Do you have a microphone that you are willing to use?

3. Age:

4. What Time Zone do you live in?

5. List and describe any previous supervisory, administrative or management experience,­ in or out of the game:
I've had none. But I would love to get the chance to be part of such a great community.

6. What are your goals in this community - or, why do you want to hold this position?
I would like to hold thus position because one of your servers was the first i ever played and on tf2 and I've loved it ever since.

7. How much time will you be able to spend:
A. On the servers?
Im a regular on one of your servers, so at the very least 3 times a week. But more then likely it will be more.

B. On the forums?
At the least one or twice a week.

8. How long have you been playing on our group of servers?
I don't know an exact number but I'm willing to say at least 2 years.

9. List a reputation thread here (your SteamRep URL and/or other reputation threads):

10. If you have alternate accounts, list any alternative accounts that you own:

11. Describe a time when you lost control of your emotions and how you were able to cope with the situation:
Personally when my mother had her first stroke. It was very heartbreaking for me because she has been the only one I had. But time passed and she continued to get better. I see it as the more she got better the better I got.

12. What do you consider in your personality to be strengths? What do you consider in your personality to be weaknesses?
Strengths, I love to talk to people, I like to listen to people's problems and help in any way I can. Weaknesses, I hold grudges however, you have to have done something really bsd for me to not like you or think of you in a negative manner.

13. Assess these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:
  • Logical: 6
  • Patient: 5
  • Reactive: 6
  • Creative: 4
  • Polite: 7
  • Reasonable: 8
  • Objective: 5
  • Perceptive: 5
  • Compassionate: 6
  • Troubleshooter: 4

14. After you become an admin, how would you react to these situations below:
A: How would you deal with a person who was making racist comments?
I would politely tell them that it's not tolerated on our servers and if he continued I would warn him a last time before kicking or banning him.

B: A group of players are offended by remarks that another player made, but you yourself do not find them to be offensive. How would you respond?
Ask them how they were offended by said remarks and ask if there was anything within reason that I could do.

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
I would ask them to stop. If the micspam continued I would tell them one last time to stop before muting them.

D: Another TF2SS admin is exploiting their powers in game; what will you do about it?
I would remind them that they are exploiting their powers and I would report it.

E: What would you do when answering a report that [username] is speed hacking on one of our servers?
I would ask for evidence on said player and if evidence is given I would message the player telling them that they have been banned and tell them the reason why.

F: A regular user threatens to ban another player if they do not comply with rules that do not exist. What will you do about it?
I would tell the regular user that the rules he was saying do not exists and tell him to not abuse his powers. I would also apologize to the other player for the regular players actions.

G: A group of enemy players dominate you, ignoring everyone else and changing teams if you join the team they are on, killing only you over and over again. What will you do about it?
Personally I don't get mad over something as this unless it was happening to a player and not me then I would tell the group to play the game and not just single out one person.

H: How do you deal with a player who comments publicly that: you are an asshole, the server sucks ass, and continues to insult anyone who kills them with profanity & by screaming on the mic?
I would not tolerate any bad mouthing of the server or the community. I would warn said player of his actions and tell him not to do ir again or it would result  in a mute or kick.

I: A regular player on our server says that they will offer free godmode for anyone who trades a hat to them. What will you do about it?
Tell them that is abusing your powers and warn them to stop or thier power will be taken away or whatever punishment is fit.

J: A player who bought the Headless Horsemann perk from the shop complains after another player slays him/her. What do you tell the slayed Headless Horsemann player?
Tell them to be more aware of thier surroundings and apologize for the inconvenience.

After filling out this application, what are your feelings toward becoming a Server Admin on our servers?
Im reslly hoping to hear back from you. I would be more then honored to represent the servers and the community. Thank you for your time and once again I hope to hear back!

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Re: Pioneerodin7 - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2016, 08:38:46 PM »
788 hrs on record

You need at least 1000 hours to apply.
AFK like JFK

Offline BloodRain

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Re: Pioneerodin7 - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2016, 08:46:17 PM »
Quote from: Pioneer's Steam Profile
Team Fortress 2:
788 hrs on record

You need at least 1000 total hours on Team Fortress 2.

You may re-apply once you have met this requirement. Application denied.
