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Author Topic: Trashman's: "A New Argument and a New Vision"  (Read 11927 times)

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Trashman's: "A New Argument and a New Vision"
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:24:45 PM »
Where's the YouTube link though?

Whoops! I forgot to find one. Lemme get one for you...

X D peter you sob, i feel like this small post is a smudge on your great and very truthful post but regardless, I do agree with you. I have noticed a lot of the applicants are denied for small or obscure reasons that personally diminish swapshop as a holy grail of tf2/minecraft?/tf2c? servers, While I do have vac banned account and while I don't really play tf2ss servers anymore I am something that not even most admins are: Active on the forums, not only that but I have been very loyal to the swapshop foundation, try to be helpful, try to be as active as possible, and really do agree with most of swapshop's policies. I am VERY GRATEFUL for not being permabanned and getting possibly reported for something, but like peter has stated I do believe that some aspects are being overlooked for other things....I believe that also we should not only start treating applicants differently but we should also revise the rules to apply better to certain situations and make the rules more fitting to the community, cause while I am in the wrong for lying about my old profile, i am in the wrong for not admitting to my wrongs, I believe that it was to harsh to unallow me to reapply for admin because the thing is, if I was honest upfront for my vac for steam achievement manager and didn't lie about it being aimbot, I guarantee that I would have been allowed to apply for admin and like I said I AM EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for not being banned from this community, I just used my case for a giant example....oh and since I typed up a story like peter, let me give everyone a quote that matches what I was talking about:
watch until 3:32 :) your welcome for the mockery of peter and thanks for reading and understanding my opinion!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:25:11 PM by Sipow »
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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2017, 09:58:47 PM »
Trashman, I don't think either of you even know the reasons for why applications get denied. You're assuming that we are overlooking certain aspects of applications and that we are being strict and narrow-minded towards applicants. Truth be told, our requirements for being a part of staff are quite simple compared to other communities. We also have some requirements that are flexible if an application is really well put together.

In your case, banning you from reapplying isn't harsh at all. You lied about not having any alt accounts and your "ex-friend" creating some of your posts. You are right about one thing though. If you were honest to begin with, maybe we would've only temporarily banned you from reapplying. Everything that we do has consequences. You lied and now you face the consequences. You may feel that it's too harsh because you're on the receiving end of it, but to mostly everyone else, it's fair justice.

Also, being active on the forums doesn't guarantee you a spot within the staff. Peter is the most active regular member here, but that doesn't immediately make him qualified for any administrative position. Furthermore, what you call "active" is basically creating useless threads, hijacking topics, insulting "lazy" admins, and spamming threads as if you're having a 1 on 1 conversation with another person.

Regardless of whether you're active on the forums or on the servers, you're not exempted from the rules.
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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2017, 12:04:31 AM »
Trashman, I don't think either of you even know the reasons for why applications get denied. You're assuming that we are overlooking certain aspects of applications and that we are being strict and narrow-minded towards applicants. Truth be told, our requirements for being a part of staff are quite simple compared to other communities. We also have some requirements that are flexible if an application is really well put together.

Hm. Well... I understand your guidelines are simple from the application's face value. What I have heard from administrators on both voice chats and text chats is that applicants are investigated on a deeper level. I know applicants have taken their time to speak with both server admins and head admins. But who wouldn't want to just talk with people regardless of their position anyway?

What I've gathered about the application system is that its merely a security function filled with minimal and simple requirements. Yes, what comes out of an application is taken seriously for the most part. The real test is beyond the apps. So ya, I foolishly assume that about you guys too much. I know I shouldn't since I know the truth.

I'm merely interested in getting you guys to encourage members to use the forums. I shouldn't hide that fact and I don't necessarily care if you guys think or know that it's an impossible task. I just want you guys to look at the lack of membership on the forums as something to improved upon.

I seriously don't think forums are outdated. It's bogus to think that they are. It's one of the many constants of the internet. Games still have forums. Lots of sites use forums. There are still a bunch of general social forums floating around. Heck, Reddit is a forum. Steam has forums as well. So saying forums are outdated when people obviously use them on other outlets is crazy. I seriously have not seen the justification in neglecting the forums. I'm not just talking about admins, I'm also talking about members. Why the heck are members neglecting these forums? They're awesome!

Also, being active on the forums doesn't guarantee you a spot within the staff. Peter is the most active regular member here, but that doesn't immediately make him qualified for any administrative position. Furthermore, what you call "active" is basically creating useless threads, hijacking topics, insulting "lazy" admins, and spamming threads as if you're having a 1 on 1 conversation with another person.

Exactly. I don't get a free pass. I wouldn't even get in considering my ban and how much I've said. Besides, I'll say it again: I don't want to be an admin. At this point, I don't think we even have lazy admins. I mean, Sipow made it pretty clear. You guys do your jobs.

I don't think these forums need me as an another admin. I think we just need more genuine members all across the board and we have quite a lot of them. However, not many of them use the forums. For good reasons too. But it all starts with whether they're given some sort of reason to use them and that comes from whether the leaders set some sort of example.

You gotta give some credit since I've been on here trying to do at least something different to get your minds away from your normal monotony. I've taken time out of my nights and days to write stuff. Guess what? My academics last semester almost suffered because of it.

Though, here's some good news: I'm going to install Arch on my desktop. I should be able to play TF2 on it again and I'll actually have a PC that doesn't run it's fan on ultra-high just to run the game at 200-300FPS with Cris' config on. So ya... I may just return to SwapShop as a whole. I wanted to fulfill my retirement but even that didn't work out since I ended up here on the forums. Last Christmas I played a lot of TF2 even though I'm not particularly too interested in playing the game as much as I use to. I guess that means I may not get sucked into it too much. :P

What did I say before? People here just can't make the decision to leave this place. People say they leave and it gets really heart breaking and then they just come back. That's nothing to complain about either. I've always wanted to be different in that aspect but that's not really working out for me. I'm considering the deletion of my resignation post. Besides, if I really wanted to leave, then I would have done it quietly.

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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2017, 02:12:02 AM »
At the time of writing this, my mind is focused on somewhere else. But I will say something about one thing you mentioned, which is that we should try to get more people to use the forums.

Here's the thing: Death doesn't care if admins go on the forums. You don't know how many times we have to remind everyone of a new application and only like 2-3 even bother to check it. Then there are those who go on the forums once or twice a week. The hard truth is that not many care for the forums. Some need to be told to go on the forums while people like Sipow or me go on our own initiative.

It's hard to encourage more forum activity as well when you really only have like 1-2 topics open at most (besides applications and anything in the staff boards). And so, people don't have the enthusiasm to lurk the forums on a regular basis. Trust me, we've pushed for forum activity back then and it just couldn't happen. We also can't demote people for not using the forums (because when we actually did that, we got scolded and had to bring back 4 admins).

So alas, the push for more forum activity will always be shut down and forgotten. I do commend you for putting effort in getting more people to use the forums and such. You're one of the most dedicated regular members we have. Though, your form of encouragement can often times come off as pestering or annoying. But aside from that, thank you for showing your care for SwapShop, even if it's just through the forums.

As Death told me before, everyone contributes in some way. Whether it's on the servers or on the forums.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 02:16:25 AM by Psykotik »
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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2017, 06:10:53 AM »
Trashman, I don't think either of you even know the reasons for why applications get denied. You're assuming that we are overlooking certain aspects of applications and that we are being strict and narrow-minded towards applicants. Truth be told, our requirements for being a part of staff are quite simple compared to other communities. We also have some requirements that are flexible if an application is really well put together.

In your case, banning you from reapplying isn't harsh at all. You lied about not having any alt accounts and your "ex-friend" creating some of your posts. You are right about one thing though. If you were honest to begin with, maybe we would've only temporarily banned you from reapplying. Everything that we do has consequences. You lied and now you face the consequences. You may feel that it's too harsh because you're on the receiving end of it, but to mostly everyone else, it's fair justice.

Also, being active on the forums doesn't guarantee you a spot within the staff. Peter is the most active regular member here, but that doesn't immediately make him qualified for any administrative position. Furthermore, what you call "active" is basically creating useless threads, hijacking topics, insulting "lazy" admins, and spamming threads as if you're having a 1 on 1 conversation with another person.

Regardless of whether you're active on the forums or on the servers, you're not exempted from the rules.
Like I said, I don't deny what I did was wrong and I never said that "just because i'm active on the forums" that makes me automatically better than everyone, because I'm no better than anyone, what I'm getting at is the rules are still unfinished and while I don't necessarily believe that being active on the forums should be incorporated into signing up for admin or other facilities when it comes to being an applicant, I do think It would give the new generation of swapshop admins a reason to get on the forums, cause let's be honest, out of all the applicants that sign up, I guarantee that all the applicants that get accepted won't be on the forums after that at all. Going back to my bullshit, yes I was hacked, I have proof of the file on my phone that lists all my passwords and usernames if you would like to look, yes there was no reason for my bs on creating a new account but the way I see it is, I was honest about being who I actually was and overall I played tf2 after creating this alt account, not "kept my computer running tf2 for 1000 hours" but actually played tf2 on practically swapshop servers almost those entire 1000 hours, now think about it, is that being malicious, or is that being loyal? You certainly can say that I did fuck up at times *apologies for my foul language* but to be serious, I was in the end honest and loyal and again I am SEVERELY GRATEFUL FOR MY EXISTENCE NOT BEING KILLED ON SWAPSHOP, but we have to be honest at times and see that sometimes things that are bad are done for good things. I am completely sorry I did those things but in the long run I did it for swapshop, I only care to see SwapShop grow...Thank you for your time!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 06:16:41 AM by Let_me_see_your_warface »
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Re: Trashman's New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2017, 04:18:18 PM »
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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2017, 02:36:01 AM »
Also, being active on the forums doesn't guarantee you a spot within the staff. Peter is the most active regular member here.


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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2017, 02:57:20 AM »
Like I said, I don't deny what I did was wrong and I never said that "just because i'm active on the forums" that makes me automatically better than everyone, because I'm no better than anyone, what I'm getting at is the rules are still unfinished and while I don't necessarily believe that being active on the forums should be incorporated into signing up for admin or other facilities when it comes to being an applicant, I do think It would give the new generation of swapshop admins a reason to get on the forums, cause let's be honest, out of all the applicants that sign up, I guarantee that all the applicants that get accepted won't be on the forums after that at all. Going back to my bullshit, yes I was hacked, I have proof of the file on my phone that lists all my passwords and usernames if you would like to look, yes there was no reason for my bs on creating a new account but the way I see it is, I was honest about being who I actually was and overall I played tf2 after creating this alt account, not "kept my computer running tf2 for 1000 hours" but actually played tf2 on practically swapshop servers almost those entire 1000 hours, now think about it, is that being malicious, or is that being loyal? You certainly can say that I did fuck up at times *apologies for my foul language* but to be serious, I was in the end honest and loyal and again I am SEVERELY GRATEFUL FOR MY EXISTENCE NOT BEING KILLED ON SWAPSHOP, but we have to be honest at times and see that sometimes things that are bad are done for good things. I am completely sorry I did those things but in the long run I did it for swapshop, I only care to see SwapShop grow...Thank you for your time!

Are you saying that you should be unbanned because you told the truth in the end?

If so, thats a joke.

I lied about my VAC banned account telling everyone different stories. Then I ended up telling the truth ... but guess what, Im still banned. But I deserved the ban. Server owners and other staff members don't want a staff member who lies, because who knows if they could be telling the truth or not. If they were to un-ban you from applying (Which is very-unlikely), it would be very unfair to the others who were banned. You should just "take it up the chin", and tell yourself that you deserved that ban.

If not, then do not read what I had just wrote, and get on with life.

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Re: A New Argument and a New Vision
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2017, 03:48:58 AM »
Like I said, I don't deny what I did was wrong and I never said that "just because i'm active on the forums" that makes me automatically better than everyone, because I'm no better than anyone, what I'm getting at is the rules are still unfinished and while I don't necessarily believe that being active on the forums should be incorporated into signing up for admin or other facilities when it comes to being an applicant, I do think It would give the new generation of swapshop admins a reason to get on the forums, cause let's be honest, out of all the applicants that sign up, I guarantee that all the applicants that get accepted won't be on the forums after that at all. Going back to my bullshit, yes I was hacked, I have proof of the file on my phone that lists all my passwords and usernames if you would like to look, yes there was no reason for my bs on creating a new account but the way I see it is, I was honest about being who I actually was and overall I played tf2 after creating this alt account, not "kept my computer running tf2 for 1000 hours" but actually played tf2 on practically swapshop servers almost those entire 1000 hours, now think about it, is that being malicious, or is that being loyal? You certainly can say that I did fuck up at times *apologies for my foul language* but to be serious, I was in the end honest and loyal and again I am SEVERELY GRATEFUL FOR MY EXISTENCE NOT BEING KILLED ON SWAPSHOP, but we have to be honest at times and see that sometimes things that are bad are done for good things. I am completely sorry I did those things but in the long run I did it for swapshop, I only care to see SwapShop grow...Thank you for your time!

Are you saying that you should be unbanned because you told the truth in the end?

If so, thats a joke.

I lied about my VAC banned account telling everyone different stories. Then I ended up telling the truth ... but guess what, Im still banned. But I deserved the ban. Server owners and other staff members don't want a staff member who lies, because who knows if they could be telling the truth or not. If they were to un-ban you from applying (Which is very-unlikely), it would be very unfair to the others who were banned. You should just "take it up the chin", and tell yourself that you deserved that ban.

If not, then do not read what I had just wrote, and get on with life.
Oh no, I definitely deserve some forum of punishment, What I'm asking is in some way (or at least in the way I see it) is that truly I was incredibly loyal, which I think deserves some reward to be honest...
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Re: Trashman's: "A New Argument and a New Vision"
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2017, 06:03:18 AM »
Here's your reward for being loyal: We didn't ban you from the forums and servers. I don't think you should be asking for more than that.

I honestly don't know why you feel so entitled to a reward. There are so many loyal members here at SwapShop and you seem to be the only one doing it for free perks.

Nationn lied about his VAC ban, and he's one of the most loyal members we have. Does that automatically make him deserving of something from us? No, it doesn't. And even he understands why. What you're asking is for us to simply push your bad deed aside and give you something that you don't even deserve. You have this idea that just because you do something good, it automatically makes you a saint to everyone. Well news flash, you're still banned from reapplying and you're not getting this so-called reward that you feel entitled to.

It's literally like a criminal asking for a free get-out-of-jail card because he helped the police identify another criminal.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 06:41:30 AM by Psykotik »
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Re: Trashman's: "A New Argument and a New Vision"
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2017, 06:59:53 AM »
Want a reward for being loyal? Okay then, this topic won't be locked until deemed necessary. You're welcome.
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Re: Trashman's: "A New Argument and a New Vision"
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2017, 02:29:58 PM »
No im not asking for my loyalty to be noticed, this really isn't about wanting to be an admin anymore, it's mostly about...i can't win with this, i've turned this into this being about me, im sorry, just end this before it gets to far out of hand
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Re: Trashman's: "A New Argument and a New Vision"
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2017, 02:32:24 PM »
Topic locked.
AFK like JFK