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Author Topic: Jack Joker - Game Server Admin Application  (Read 4495 times)

Offline Jack Joker

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Jack Joker - Game Server Admin Application
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:51:17 PM »
1. Which position do you wish to apply for?
Game Server Admin

2. Do you have a microphone that you are willing to use?

3. Age:

4. What Time Zone do you live in?
Eastern Atlantic

5. List and describe any previous supervisory, administrative or management experience,­ in or out of the game:

6. What are your goals in this community - or, why do you want to hold this position?
I want to help in keeping the servers in good condition and keeping the foul players off as much as I could. I seen a good few times when an Admin was needed for a hacker or other reasons that not one answered in time or came long after the player left. I understand the Administrators have more important things to do in their life than monitor the TF2SS servers 24/7. Which is why I want to offer my help and watch since I spend most of my waking hours and spare time on the servers playing and having a good time.

7. How much time will you be able to spend:
A. On the servers?
As much time as I possibly can. I already spend every second playing Sniper on them when I can with friends or without. Almost all of my time on TF2 has been spent on TF2SS servers. So I will just be on servers when I possibly can unless taking a break.

B. On the forums?
I have not spent much time on the forums in the past. But I aim to make it more of a habit to check the forums and go through it more commonly. So I can keep up to date with what's going on and has been happening while I am not online and such.

8. How long have you been playing on our group of servers?
I honestly can not give an exact time on how long I have been playing. I know a majority of the hours in my TF2 was spent played on here. Maybe a year or more if I had to estimate since I first joined. I am commonly on the servers daily minding my own business.

9. Do you speak any languages other than English?
I am trying to learn and speak German more so I am. Spanish I know little of but I am very rusty with it. English is my most fluent language currently, but I aim to learn more languages in the future.

10. Link your SteamRep and other sources that show your reputation here:
| steamname: Jack Joker
|  steam3ID: [U:1:134444123]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:67222061
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094709851
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jack_joker666
|  steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198094709851

11. If you have alternate accounts, list any alternate accounts that you own:

12. Describe a time when you lost control of your emotions and how you were able to cope with the situation (P.S: This can be about anything; it doesn't have to be from in-game.):
I commonly lose control of all emotions from time to time. How I cope with them though is being silent or answering straight forward. Mostly I take the emotion out by sniping everyone in the server. I tend to sometimes verbally insult a person while not in the best mood and not let off. But that kind of insulting starts when they jump on my case and I fire back or self defend.

13. What do you consider in your personality to be strengths? What do you consider in your personality to be weaknesses?
Strength I think would be keeping my cool in most situations. Trying to look for the best options and avoiding large conflicts or making problems bigger. Weaknesses is getting too into a fight or argument if a person starts one with me. Not being able to stop when needed. I mostly get asked commonly by some Admins to stop when discussing or arguing with a person.

14. Assess these attributes from 1 to 10 based on how you see yourself:
  • Logical: 8
  • Patient: 10
  • Reactive: 9
  • Creative: 10
  • Polite: 10
  • Reasonable: 10
  • Objective: 6
  • Perceptive: 7
  • Compassionate: 4
  • Troubleshooter: 5
  • Honest: 10

15. After you become an admin, how would you react to these situations below:
A: How would you deal with a person who was making racist comments?
I would give them one warning to stop making racial comments. If they fail to do so after hearing my warning I will resort into punishing them for not listening or following the rules.

B: A group of players are offended by remarks that another player made, but you yourself do not find them to be offensive. How would you respond?
I would tell the player's that they may be over reacting about the remarks made by the player and should just ignore them as best they could. If they still find it very insulting then I would kindly ask the player or warn them to stop making such offending remarks.

C: How would you deal with players who micspam?
I will warn them once to stop spamming in the mic. If they fail to listen then I will have to resort into muting them for a certain period of time as punishment.

D: Another TF2SS admin is exploiting their powers in game; what will you do about it?
I would tell the Admin that they are abusing the powers given to them and warn them to stop. If they fail to do so then I will make a report on the forums about explaining what the Admin had done wrong. Friend or not, justice is top priority.

E: What would you do when answering a report that [username] is speed hacking on one of our servers?
I would start TF2 or join the TF2SS server as fast as I could to inspect the situation as soon as I see the report. If another Admin has not responded to it before me.

F: A regular user threatens to ban another player if they do not comply with rules that do not exist. What will you do about it?
I will warn the player that they are impersonating themselves as a Official of the server and to immediatly stop. If I catch them later on doing so again or not stopping I will apply a punishment to them.

G: A group of enemy players dominate you, ignoring everyone else and changing teams if you join the team they are on, killing only you over and over again. What will you do about it?
I will just accept that they are being an ass like any other common TF2 player. There is not much I can do against them and I will not use my Administrative powers to punish them. I will just have to figure out my own way of dealing with the problem without using my Admin powers.

H: How do you deal with a player who comments publicly that: you are an asshole, the server sucks ass, and continues to insult anyone who kills them with profanity & by screaming on the mic?
I will try warning them once, if they do not listen I will mute them. If that doesn't work then I will kick or ban them if needed.

I: A regular player on our server says that they will offer free godmode for anyone who trades a hat to them. What will you do about it?
I will tell them that is scamming and warn them never to do it again on these servers. If I catch them later on doing the same thing again or continue in front of me against my warnings, I will ban them for trying to scam players on the server.

J: A player who bought the Headless Horsemann perk from the shop complains after another player slays him/her. What do you tell the slayed Headless Horsemann player?
I will tell them that they was killed fairly and that is was their choice to buy it from the shop. It was a fair kill made by the player and that complaining is not going to get them anywhere or get the Perk back.

K: How do you define Admin abuse?
If the Admin uses their powers against player's for their own benefits or just being a ignorant jerk towards players. Using God mode to not die in duels, kicking players for no reason, banning them for no reason, things similar to those I find as Admin abuse.

After filling out this application, what are your feelings toward becoming a Server Admin on our servers?
I hope that I do get accepted into the administration. That instead of just spending my time only sniping on servers and sometimes watching idly as someone breaks the rules or hacks, that I can finaly do something beneficial. To help the community and keep the foul players off as much as I can. To uphold the rules and let the players have an enjoyable time instead of some jerk ruining it for them.

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Re: Jack Joker - Game Server Admin Application
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2016, 07:21:32 PM »
Quote from: Application Guidelines
You cannot have a bad reputation on our servers because of bans, mutes, gags, etc. enacted approximately within the last 6 months (exact duration depends on severity of the initial punishment).

You've broken a rule or two within the last 3 months. And I played with you a few nights ago and witnessed you spam the chat with someone else. I and another admin had to repeatedly tell you to stop before you finally listened.

Since your offenses weren't that bad, you may re-apply after 1 month.

Application denied.
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