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Author Topic: I'm seriously f*cked off with a few people now  (Read 7061 times)

Offline uʍop-ǝpᴉsd∩

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I'm seriously f*cked off with a few people now
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:09:26 AM »
Right for those of you who don't know me, get to know me, those that want to listen to rumor and single situational videos, stay the hell out my way. A special note to Peter capaldi's sunglasses your just a spiteful person ruining a person for what? your own amusment? I'd love to know.

Also Death, do tell me what about me explaining to you about how I just lost a person in my life and that I'm mourning them swayed your opinion of me? As of now im no longer paying for VIP, nor do I care if the servers go down, I shall only be on the servers to play with friends but other then that, anyone who wants to cling to the past, please go fuck yourself. -_- My 3rd attempt to become a help to the server ruined due to people clinging to the past. I hope that the ones who sought to ruin me are happy, cos I'm definatly not happy.

Also, before you start putting comments down, remember this, I'm the guy that backseat admin on 08, I'm the guy who bought the whole of 08 together as a group for fun. I tried to help everyone, but no.. That all means nothing due to one video that had lies all over it.

Thanks for wasting almost 1500 of my tf2 hours...

Offline BloodRain

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Re: I'm seriously f*cked off with a few people now
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2016, 12:30:42 AM »

1. I feel a similar way about the videos. In my opinion, they were just nitpicks. I honestly think that if he isn't trying to "ruin" you, he was trying to do what is best for the community.

2. You still have to know your boundaries. You cannot just snap at people, especially the person who has been trying to help you. Death has said nothing but positive things about/to you before you confronted him and became aggressive. Emotional wounds are serious, but you need to remember who you are talking to.

3. To be honest, a lot of us still wanted you to be an Admin, regardless of the past. So if you think that everyone is ganging on you, that's not true. If you think "Peter capaldi's sunglasses" is ganging on you, he has his reasons for uploading those videos. Whether it was a good or bad thing that he did, we will never know.



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Re: I'm seriously f*cked off with a few people now
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2016, 05:30:18 AM »
If I said anything in your application that had offended you, I am very sorry.

Offline Seventeen

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Re: I'm seriously f*cked off with a few people now
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2016, 05:41:21 PM »
Riri, I posted the honest truth on your app about how I felt. I support Freeze in his decision because, without those videos we wouldn't have been able to see if you have grown since the matter. Even though you lost someone dear to you, I know how it feels. It is sad but, that also  came into play with my decision. I felt because you were focused on mourning, that you would have not been able to make the right decisions, come time to do so. With all that, I feel that there were some very valid points in people's responses. I do agree, you have grown but, you have too short a fuse and get ticked off or "say you do" too easily. This is being posted after the fact of he application but, I am a fair and honest person and tried but, nothing to help you and if you feel that you can not accept some of the matters that have been addressed to you then that is OK. If you feel what I have said here is not correct and yes, I am aware that I don not know what you are going through or what your life has been like, I am just stating from what I have seen on how you handle with some of the other players on the server. Anyways, I will stop there. If you feel that I have missed anything or said anything incorrectly then please, reply back or send me a message on steam.

Have a fantastic rest of your day, My Friend!

A persons character is not measured by what one has done wrong but, how one has learned from said mistakes. (Seventeen)

Offline Fractal3

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Re: I'm seriously f*cked off with a few people now
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2016, 01:32:13 PM »
Well I'd reference some of the guidelines I had drafted a year ago which are relevant to this, maybe on a suggestive level, but they are no longer here.  So many silly changes on the forums since the hard drive got conveniently misplaced by the data recovery company.

Generally how it was is this:  if you cannot be questioned without taking it as a personal attack, maybe this isn't for you.

Nit picking sometimes can get irritating, but if you have several "CONTRUCTIVE" points which relate to a issue, then it might be better received.

God knows I have a few too, but it all depends, if you decide putting your energy into something, will it be worth it or will it deserve your energy?   Having to get involved in something should have conditions which should be met prior to spending energy on it, or you end up swearing at others like your post indicated.  Those are tough questions to ask.