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Author Topic: Closing of a chapter, or the book?  (Read 10304 times)

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Closing of a chapter, or the book?
« on: January 31, 2016, 12:32:48 AM »
I don’t know how to start this off so I will just say it.  Yes, I am no longer a TF2SwapShop administrator. No I am not allowed to reapply again. To some this may seem sad, to others their crowning achievement maybe. I do not know. Let this post be a farewell to each and every single admin. Each will be addressed below.

Let’s go in order, just like on the staff list.
Death: God damn, where do I begin. You are one hell of a great guy. I will never forget the fun times we had playing together. Meeting you during an update gone wrong by valve for TF2. Testing out plugins with you, hell getting to be your medic and watching you mow down everyone gave me quite a good laugh, I won’t soon forget.  Here is to hoping we can still make more of those fun memories.

The Flying Knife: God we have quite a history don’t we?  To me at least, you shall always be my greatest decision I ever made being a head administrator. Watching you lead as well as you do makes me shed a tear of happiness because deep down knowing I spent all that time I did at SwapShop only to be let go in the end, you becoming the person that I saw in you all those years ago makes it all worth it. May Life continue to bring good fortune to you.

ABleachedTeddyBear (ACuddlyTeddyBear): Inactive. Sorry Teddy, if you are reading this, we didn’t talk very much. Sorry.

AlexMason™: Despite us not talking much I figured you should know this. I saw potential in you. And from what I saw you did not disappoint. Keep doing well.

Axew (Gui): Oh the things I could say, however I shall keep it brief. GUI we may not have gotten along very well but I want you to know something. You and only one other admin ever came forward to me to speak about the issues you had with me. Words cannot express how much I respect you for that. I know you may not believe that or this, but I do hold respect for you and it is a shame that the past was like a wall in between that prevent us from becoming friends. I should have been better myself I’ll admit, but the time has come and gone for that to make any difference. May you continue to find happiness on the road you take in life.

-τғ2ss- Back traF: I still remember the day in report bot that you told us that the last part of your name was fart spelled backwards. I latterly laughed for 5 minutes at that because I never noticed it. You are a fantastic admin, knew it from when I first saw your application. You continue to work hard and impress every day. Keep it up.

Biscuit: Didn’t really know you. Sorry man.

BloodRain: When I first saw your name I pictured blood raining down from the sky. I liked your name from when I first saw it. You are a good administrator, keep continuing to be one.

Bubsy (Seventeen): Seventeen, we may have had a few or more times we didn’t get along but like I said in GUI’s part, you came to me and we talked for a while about the problems you had with me. I hold much respect for you two for doing that. I hope you continue to bring joy to others as you did to me. Whether you didn’t know it or not, you did. Keep being great.

Chrid: I’m afraid I didn’t know you that well. Again, I must say I am sorry.

★FusionFlarez★: For some reason I always thought of Nuclear Fusion when I read/saw your name. Never could figure out why. I saw a good administrator from you and you continue to be one. Keep it up.

Gerbil, The Futa-Princess: Your name stuck with me. Might have been because of the word Futa? Dunno. But I did like you as an administrator. You did a great job, and you still do.  It is a shame I didn’t take the time to get to know you even better.

Grandpa Pootis (ZetaBetaTheAlpha): I will forever be thankful that I met you. You are and always will be, a terrific friend to me. Keep being awesome.

Guy Le Douche (Jamie Hyneman): I have to admit it, when I first saw your name I laughed really hard. Mainly because I said it with a stupid accent (not making fun of it, just the voice that I happened to say it with).
ilikecake (Nobody): Once again I have to admit that your name of ILikeCake reminded me of an old cartoon by the name of Ren and Stempy. Sadly, other than that I don’t know you well enough.

JCapps: You will forever be in my mind as a great map maker, NintendoFreak. Creater of your own TF2 Real life hat and more. You were a terrific admin and still are. Keep it up.

JDawg147: Your name always was stuck in the back of my mind. I guess I could never really figure it out. I saw and see potential in you. To which you show. Keep being you.

Kaslay: I see greatness in you as an administrator, and then some. You are a terrific person in my mind. Keep being you and you will be great and achieve greatness along your journey through life.

L (Eeyore): I regret not getting to know you better. I am truly sorry for that.

Lethal Industries™: Hot damn man. When you made your application, I loved your profile. You are a great person and administrator. I hope to see you in-game in the future. You are fun to play against. Keep it up.

Master Arkos (Arkos): I wish I got to know you better. You seem like you will become a great administrator. Keep doing well.

๖ۣۜMikey: I didn’t get to know you better and that is no ones lose but my own. I am sorry.

Mixxylicious: All I can say is I am sorry. Even then it isn’t enough.

NeonFlame: You always kicked my ass in TF2 as sniper. You seem as though you will be a one great administrator. Keep it up. Hope to vs you again in the future.

Ninjaassassinguy: Yoiur name gave me a good laugh when I first saw it. From what I saw you did and still do great as an administrator.

Penny: I wish I did more to get to know you. And for that I am truly sorry. Continue being great.

Rneuby: For some reason I kept saying you name as Ruby. Then that made me think of the show Ruby. I still remember your profile picture from Super Jail. Keep being great.

RuRu(Bl4nk): I wish to get to know you better. I see greatness in you for the future. Keep being surprising.

ScorchedKiller: We have seen our fair share of history haven’t we? Main it has been quite the journey hasn’t it? I wish I had more to say as this much doesn’t cover the history we have seen together but alas I failed in getting to know you better as well.

Scotsman1999: For some reason I pictured a bottle of scotch when I read your name to myself. Couldn’t figure out why. You are a good administrator, keep it up.

Sins: History is a great teacher huh? Keep being you man.

Slcoolj: The profile pictures, my god. They gave me a good laugh, creepy as that may seem though. You were a guy that understood things well and picked up on how to be an administrator fast. Keep it up.

In conclusion I know I seemed quite negative in my views when I would post stuff, such was a concern that was brought to my attention. But I did not tell a lie nor have I here. I don’t sugar coat things as then it is no longer the truth. Those of you that brought your problem/s to me instead of keeping them to yourself, I hold you to a high degree of respect for it, despite what you may have done. Bringing your problems to me was all I ever wanted, and if that didn’t work then so be it, it would be my fault. That is not to say I am innocent, I am at fault here and the memories that I have made with you all as small as they may seem, I shall remember. I ask that if you wish to see me for who I am to friend me and give me one last chance to prove to you that I can be more than an asshole. Sorry to be blunt but that is probably how I came off to most of you. Sorry about that. Please understand that even if I didn’t say something in your post, that it doesn’t mean you are not great to. You all are, it is why you are staff after all.

Side Note: If you can find it within yourself to give me another shot, hit that friend button. You don't have to forgive me. I just asked for you to give me a chance to change the opinion of me you may have. If you don't re-friend me, I will not take it personal. I realize not all of you will and that I myself destroyed the bridge in become friends with you.

Keep being great,... all of you.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 04:22:53 AM by Hades »

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Re: Closing of a chapter, or the book?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2016, 03:12:40 PM »
It wasn't worth it.
Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

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Re: Closing of a chapter, or the book?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2016, 05:50:45 AM »
This made me cry a little, even though I never knew you. I mean I never had a bad opinion on you nor never ever have I thought bad things of you.  If this comment gets deleted, then so be it, It was nice knowing you.