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Author Topic: Pixels303 back?  (Read 19974 times)

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2016, 02:00:32 PM »
I say that Pixels can come back, if he drops the self-entitled attitude. I mean, just reading his last post just screams it. Why exactly would we need a blacklist? Sure, Pixels and Hades had a thing for each other but that doesn't mean everyone else needs to suffer because those two had some odd sexual tension hate for each other over the internet. Anyway, that's my opinion on 3.

As for #4, I don't think Pixels has the right to do so. You can't force someone to let you know they voted for Hades to be an admin just so you could probably vent some anger at them. This stems from what I heard about the forums and our server group getting trashed.

For 5, do forum changes really matter? Not many users even visit the forums as much as they do with our servers.

And 6 is entirely up to Death. He doesn't need to endorse Pixel re-joining our community. That sounds like getting paid and none of us nothing more than keeping our servers friendly and free of hackers, scammers, etc.

That's my point on that. It sounds like the whole Ken Penders lawsuit against Archie, except we don't actually have to let Pixels back in. But as I said, if he drops the attitude he can come back, but he'll start like most of us as a regular server admin.
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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2016, 02:29:57 PM »
Yeah wait what?

I never actually read the post, I just saw the title and the responses.

If you would like to continue the buying a car analogy, I will. At SS, any player is allowed to buy a car (aka make an app to become an admin). If you are accepted, you will get that car, if you are denied, you can spend your time walking for the next 6 months or more. But every person who applies and is accepted receives the same make, model, color, size, etc. car.

But you are walking back over here and expect to not only get a car, but also get a spoiler and updated bumpers and seat warmers and dice that hang from the mirror and you want to get this car in red. You are asking for too much. Either apply and get the average car that works and deal with everything that comes with it, or don't and continue to walk like everyone else.

Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2016, 03:06:17 PM »
Well said.

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2016, 06:07:23 PM »
Yeah wait what?

I never actually read the post, I just saw the title and the responses.

If you would like to continue the buying a car analogy, I will. At SS, any player is allowed to buy a car (aka make an app to become an admin). If you are accepted, you will get that car, if you are denied, you can spend your time walking for the next 6 months or more. But every person who applies and is accepted receives the same make, model, color, size, etc. car.

But you are walking back over here and expect to not only get a car, but also get a spoiler and updated bumpers and seat warmers and dice that hang from the mirror and you want to get this car in red. You are asking for too much. Either apply and get the average car that works and deal with everything that comes with it, or don't and continue to walk like everyone else.


Quite the intellectual response, Sixteen.


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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2016, 01:20:24 AM »
I say that Pixels can come back, if he drops the self-entitled attitude. I mean, just reading his last post just screams it. Why exactly would we need a blacklist? Sure, Pixels and Hades had a thing for each other but that doesn't mean everyone else needs to suffer because those two had some odd sexual tension hate for each other over the internet. Anyway, that's my opinion on 3.

Seems I can no longer ignore this topic.

Number three wouldn't affect just me you know. Sixteen would be affected too. Sixteen, Myself and any other person that  can't apply again would be affected. (Magic genie is another).  I won't toot my own horn so to speak and say that it is only targeted for me. It maybe or it may not. Lethal's post is damn good at summarizing his post. Pixels always had that kind of an attitude. Some saw it where others did not. Anyways thought I would point it out. Also should point out that an extremely few of you ignored most of his points/ didn't read his post and just commented. As the old saying goes: "Don't judge a book by its cover".

Pixels I understand better than anyone except death how much you built this community. We both committed massive amounts of time and effort into SwapShop. We both helped it transform into what it is now. However, just as a parent watches their kids grow up and must eventually lets go of them, so must we. We must let go and watch SS grow from afar. We have done our part. Let the others do theirs.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 01:34:32 AM by Hades »

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2016, 11:44:37 AM »
It is amazing.  People have a marvelous way of painting an idea and spinning off of it to make something bigger and worse.  Death knows why I made my points, and decides to paint it differently.  I don't believe my describing my reasons will make any difference when the leader chooses to turn a blind eye to the truth in the matter.  I have been clear in my private messages to him, as to why he cannot see the light in my suggestion is beyond me, and decide to grandstand on the one topic..  I guess I really am not worth his time.  I am sure there are a couple of you who really know the truth, but don't bother shedding light on this as it will only threaten how people perceive you.

All in all, Hats off Hades, and Death made his choice clear to protect your association.

Good luck with things, I am sure you will do just fine without me.

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2016, 12:01:40 PM »
I now know why Hades compared me to you dude. You are also super dramatic. You talk about how there are all these problems and none of us see them. Might I say I have heard your story 2-3 times, but others haven't. If you don't want to explain it to them, that's fine. It's your story to tell, not mine, plus at this point I don't even care any more.

"I don't believe my describing my reasons will make any difference when the leader chooses to turn a blind eye to the truth in the matter." Frankly, reading the responses from above, it looks like no one was in favor of your system. Blame the leader if you want, but it's a democracy my friend.

"I have been clear in my private messages to him, as to why he cannot see the light in my suggestion is beyond me, and decide to grandstand on the one topic." Is this supposed to be inspirational? Because how can you be clear about it if only one person has seen it, hence it being a private message.

"I guess I really am not worth his time." You made this too hard for yourself. All you had to do was ask: Do I want to come back? Do you guys want me to come back? If the answer was yes for both of those, then BOOM you could come back. The title of this post is what you should have kept with. Flat out: Pixels303 back?.

And your last statement. I'm not worried how people will perceive me. Like really the whole world is telling you at this point "What ever." Seriously, I don't care what happened between you and Hades, I don't even care what happened between myself and Hades.

I feel like I've added more drama and I aplogize because that is what I'm trying to stay away from but idk, I just think this is too dumb at this point.

Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.

Offline Len02

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2016, 01:28:35 AM »
I for one am happy that you wont be coming back. I just got back to the forums and after the fiasco you caused when you left and the chaos it caused to the players of our servers I would be repulsed to see you back on the roster.

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2016, 03:08:04 PM »
It is amazing.  People have a marvelous way of painting an idea and spinning off of it to make something bigger and worse.  Death knows why I made my points, and decides to paint it differently.  I don't believe my describing my reasons will make any difference when the leader chooses to turn a blind eye to the truth in the matter.  I have been clear in my private messages to him, as to why he cannot see the light in my suggestion is beyond me, and decide to grandstand on the one topic..  I guess I really am not worth his time.  I am sure there are a couple of you who really know the truth, but don't bother shedding light on this as it will only threaten how people perceive you.

All in all, Hats off Hades, and Death made his choice clear to protect your association.

Good luck with things, I am sure you will do just fine without me.
Well, we've been doing well without you soooo....
Btw, here's a tip in leadership: if a leader turns a blind eye to something without taking in advice from his subordinates, then that person is not a good leader.
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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2016, 09:25:26 PM »
Oh hey I am back.

Why is it that I always seem to miss the good stuff...

Anyways, Pixels was a good leader and everything and having him back could put the group back on track to where it was when I started out. I have my own good thoughts about Pix that I have openly shared to him, whether it was giving me a chance to be forum moderator and other stuff a year ago.

However, bad blood is in the water.

Do we all like everyone on the staff list? Absolutely not. But to create a healthy working enviroment, we have to get along and if people are going to hate to have Pixels back than rather having him leave then who is going to listen to him when gives us orders or changes rules?

It is complicated, and I think people need to be proffesional about this.

And I also found out 15 minutes ago that Hades left.

I really need to stay on track of things~

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2016, 12:25:10 PM »
Pixels left because we chose to give one person a second chance. He destroyed our steam groups at the time causing quite a bit of concern in our player base. He kept a second account in tf2ss which (either on purpose or just lucky for him) he used to spy on what our reactions were. I don't remember much of what happened due to shat memory but I'm sure there was more that happened. And now he comes to us on the forums not saying sorry for the chaos his actions created (most of the admins and players had no idea what to do. That I do remember) but instead demanding conditions from us. Are you kidding me. He has no respect from me and as I said in a previous post I'd be repulsed if we even accepted him back after this. If by some miracle he gets back in a head position I would be professional toward him since that is what is being asked of us as admins, to be professional, but I would be shocked if we just cleared the slate now. Not to mention where was the professionalism from him when we were considering letting Hades back. It's kinda ridiculous that we should have to be the bigger person in such a hypocritical situation.

Sorry for rambling and I don't mean for this to be argumentative toward you sins but more building off the points you made. My thoughts aren't very organized right now XD

Edit: http://tf2swapshop.com/forum/index.php?topic=246.0
This post shows the chaos that was happened. Mostly through the copy paste posts made by pix from the report bot.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 12:36:22 PM by Umbara »

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2016, 05:10:23 PM »
Trust me Umbara, I know what happened. I was there when it all went down. I agree what you have to say. Its hard though for me to totally neglect Pix on what he did for me and what he did for the community. However, he did act childish when it came to Hades being an Admin.

Hell, i was scared when Hades came back. I didn't trust him and I was afraid of what the group was going to turn out.

I left the group around when Pix did, but for totally different reasons. I didnt leave because he came back. That's nonsense. Pix did leave us when we were at our lowest, when the forums were coming back on.

I feel like maybe Pix is returning only because Hades left. We all know that, however I feel like thats kinda a dick move.

I returned a month after I left the first time because the servers (as much as people would disagree with me) were troubled with abusive admins, trouble makers, and lack of care. I dont feel like thats the case with Pixels.

Take this as what you may.

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2016, 05:27:33 PM »
I'm one of the latest server admins so I feel that as an admin I do not have a say in this situation even after getting parts of the story and putting all the pieces together. I do, however, have a say in this as someone who has common sense and cares about the community. Pixels, I've heard of the many great things you've done for this community. I can understand your point of view as to why you somewhat feel betrayed that Death let Hades apply before, feeling like your friend whom you've know for 17-18+ years just turned his back on you. The way I see it, you turned your back on someone that trusted you by worrying about your selfish desires. As a man in his 40's you should know by now that there are assholes wherever you go in this world, so why does it have to be different with Hades? If you hate him so much you could've just ignored him. Are you telling me that if you hated a co-worker in real life you would sabotage the whole company to get away from that person? You have to understand, you gotta let go. After reading your selfish conditions, I personally don't want you back in this community. And I'm not saying you would do it, but please don't single me out for stating my opinion just because I'm a new guy to the whole admin thing. I still have the right to voice my opinion on the matter, and the way I see it, your conditions are only for your benefits not for the community. I respected you for what you did to help the community grow but then I lost respect for you after finding out what you did when Hades came back and after reading your stupid conditions. As Hades said, you have to give it a rest and just watch the community grow from a distance.
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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2016, 09:50:05 PM »
Let me first say, Death, you had plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself.  Don't blame me for shining a light on you.

My intent in this thread was not to appear selfish.  I had conditions, which all of you failed to understand which were in my opinion best for the communities best interest.  I will say again, I gave Hades many chances, and he never gave up attempting to undermine my decisions, coaching others to attack me and finally convincing the owner to invalidate my concerns.  I removed Hades from this community, to which Flying knife was around to see, but yet he is unbanned and finally promoted back to staff levels.  How am I to do my job as an admin if I decide that someone is repeatedly misbehaving and causing grief to leave the community only to be second guessed not only by staff but also by the owner.  Even suggestions "threatening" other staff by Hade's "coached associate" "would be a bad thing" if they associated with me, during my absence was mirrored to me by two staff.  Hades even tried to infiltrate our community by using his girlfriends computer, and even attempting to impersonate myself.  These are attributes which lead me to believe that he doesn't deserve being integrated into the community.  I am sure he will be more careful next time when he attempts to steamroll another staff's reputation.  This is why I feel break of association is crucial with special circumstances to certain previous staff, and especially with those who choose to be banned from our servers AND forum by disrespecting our guidelines and attempting to cause dissent.

I ALSO did NOT destroy any Steam group, get that out of your head, DEATH wrecked itI didn't give a stop order to it, Death did.  I never bad mouthed the community, and Deaths statement that I did is in whole invalid and incorrect.  Just because someone assumed something doesn't make it correct.  This is all giving a sour taste to my mouth hearing again and again.  If anything you guys should be asking what Death could have done differently to avoid this mess in the future.  I am not going to waste my time while Death sits by idle and allow you guys to twist things to make it appear it is something like it isn't, while stereotyping me while referring to me as a child without stepping in and correcting you guys.  This is a serious flaw.

Sins, Flying Knife, Death and Sixteen should know better.

I was considering re-applying as a courtesy to those asking me to come back as I was "being missed".
You blew it for good guys, all of you.  Don't ask me to re-join again. 
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 10:02:26 PM by Fractal3 »

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Re: Pixels303 back?
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2016, 04:45:21 AM »
Oh my. So many things wrong with that, but I actually don't care. This post isn't an application, it's just a poll. Even if we agreed with you, you would then have to apply and do this all over again. It looks like it isn't gonna work out.
But seriously there is so much wrong with that post and it's stressing me out and I would want to respond to clear things up, but don't think my revisions would connect with your mind, so it would be best I leave it alone.
Yeah, I know. Or at least, soon enough.