I know. The story doesn't add up quite well, and I don't know how to explain this. Please hear me out on this one, I've gotten a 100$ in steam funds and bought some keys on the market for 2.05$ each. 40 keys and have about 15$ left and spent it on other in-game items. At that time, this was a hand-me-down from my brother who left to college. And he gave me this account to start off with. Then back to the keys. I was new to trading and didn't know much to the game. I came to this server that I frequently go on until I was banned, to trade for some items with keys. Some guy of a weird "Chinese character name" asked me if I had keys for sale, I said yea. So at that time I never knew that you could rename items or descriptions. Remember I was a starter, I didn't know much about items in game. So he offered me "tradable heavy fists and grenade launchers" I said that looked cool! And he said that it was tradable stock weapons and few exist. So I accepted the trade not knowing my lack of pricing. And that's how I got scammed out of my keys. I tried to get back value, but a couple months later I found out backpack.tf and used it. I
never knew my items weren't even worth much. It was a huge mistake that I did, I had such a lack of knowledge of trading. I'm sorry that I did this, I really hope that the SwapShop community admins and players can forgive me of what is wrong. I nearby promise that I'll always price right and buy right. Thank you for listening. I hope you understand my tough situation. Also I never owned high tier items until now.