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Author Topic: Positive Vibes Thread (Please don't spam this thread)  (Read 7195 times)

Offline BloodRain

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Positive Vibes Thread (Please don't spam this thread)
« on: March 13, 2016, 03:50:52 AM »
The purpose of this thread is for one of you to say something nice about another.

This will surely raise the self-esteem of some people, as well as making us a generally happier community.

Please do not be off-topic or spam this thread. Everyone is encouraged to write something here.

Statements, confessions, or anything personal is allowed here.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 04:06:39 AM by BloodRain »


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Re: Positive Vibes Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2016, 04:00:01 AM »
I'll start off by saying that I'm thankful that we have people like Peachie who always try to help others be happy, even when she's not herself.

I greatly appriciate Seventeen/Psykotik/Biscuit/Strum's brotherly essence and guidance.

I can really agree with JDawg's point of view, even though we haven't talked as much as I have with the other Admins.

I absolutely love Flying Knife for how calm and collected he is, as well as our daily short conversations.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 04:08:19 AM by BloodRain »


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Re: Positive Vibes Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2016, 04:38:21 AM »
Thank you for making this BloodRain. I don't want to sound all "girly" but I'm the type of guy who's able to express his emotions when he's not in a bad mood. Here goes:

Biscuit: When we first met, I didn't get the gist of how you functioned. I saw you as an asshole that somehow became admin. But then.. When I applied. You changed my whole viewpoint of not just you, but of the community. You were the first to "give me a chance." Being the negative nerd Asian that I am, I didn't see any chances of getting in. Whenever I feel like I messed up on the job, the first person I think of is you. You were the one who took the time to teach me most of the commands. You were the one who invited me to that LINE group chat. You were the first one to ask me why I was feeling down that time when I wanted to take a break. You were the one who taught me how to be an admin. Even though you tell me that I'm one of the only "pure" ones left, I still see you as a hero. Thank you for believing in me.

Peachie: Wow. The only word I can use to describe you is wow. Out of all the admins, you're the one I've interacted with the most. You truly are a great person and despite what happened between us, I hold no grudges and I simply see you as an amazing friend. I'm glad I took the time to get to know you, not just as an admin, but as a person. You're always there and I never feel left hanging when I talk to you. Some of the other admins were talking about how you're always so happy and you brighten everyone's moods. Frankly, while I personally can tell when you're obviously sad or mad, I too, lighten up when you're around. The first person I look for in my friends list is you. It just amazes me how a person like you can put up with me for hours and hours in the admin group chat. You truly are an awesome person and don't ever think otherwise.

Strum: I perceived you as an asshole when I first started out. I mean, I liked you even before I became admin. You're the kind of guy who can chill out and still be able to take things seriously. I have no specific situations that I can mention but just know that you're definitely okay in my book. NOTE: I will never heal you. ;)

BloodRain: Ahhh, the guy I feared when we first met. "The friendliest admin'" huh? I gotta say, I was intimidated by you when we first met. You seemed like the serious one in the batch of admins that hung out on #41.  But then I got promoted and got to know you better. I really like you and I have nothing against you. I never question your motives and I never have any doubts about the things you do.

Nationn: Dude you've been like the behind-the-scenes guy for me. What I mean is.. We don't interact as much but when we do, it's like there's no need to catch up on anything. We always seem to respect each other and you're one of the most talkative people I've ever met, which is a good thing for me. :D

Penny: We don't interact much but whenever you decide to pop out of nowhere in the group chat, I enjoy your company. I've even taken a liking to your emoji ---> B)

Gerbil: You. I like you. First time I met you I was already fond of you. You're a great person to talk to and you often times bug me when I stay up late. While we're not really close, I still see you as a friend.

Rneuby: Pretty chill. We get along just fine and we have our moments. Keep being cool dude.

Mixxy: Quiet but fun to talk to. I have to get to know you more.

NeoN: The secret is out mate. We both like ENH and getting friend zoned by Emily. ;) You're cool and I respect you.

Gui: You've easily become one of my best friends here. While at first I didn't pay attention to your silly shenanigans in the group chat, you've become really important to me. We make the stupidest jokes and despite your issue, you still seem to able to put up a smile as though nothing is wrong. For that, I respect you as an admin, as a person, and as a friend.

Atom1c: You're very mature for your age and I thank you for being an amazing friend. I hope your life gets better dude.

Hades: Similar to how I perceived BloodRain. Honestly, you're the guy I never feel awkward with. Like at all. You're really funny and I wish to get to know you better.

Knife: Heheh. Megaupload.. Pfft. Anyway, we don't really interact that much and when we do it's mostly admin-related stuff. I'm always glad to help you out when I can. I respect you for all the things you do and I admit, I can't do half the stuff you do. You make it look easy. You're a pretty chill guy and I should bug you more often.

Death: "your fired" - When you first told me that, it took me 20 seconds to process all the possible things that could've made you said that. I want to personally thank you for everything you've created here. Without you, none of us would've really met each other. I've gotten to know some of the admins very well and I have you to thank for that. When I first stepped into your servers I was the kind of guy who was just there for the show, see what I could do to fuck up and get myself banned. But then, some of the old admins showed up on server #41, my main server, and pretty much changed my motive. As I played on your servers from June 2015 all the way to January 2016, I began to find a place in your community. I thought to myself, well, why not apply for admin? And so I did. I got accepted and here I am now. I love taking reports and interacting with everybody. You and everyone in this community have basically added a bigger picture to the canvas. Thank you.

As for everyone else, thank you for accepting me into the community. My perception of SwapShop has changed drastically over the past 10 months.

Also... There has been this one admin on my mind that makes me cry... Okay so, when I first went on Server #41 there was an admin on who basically showed me and my friend the server features like RTD and how you can have a golden frying pan by having VIP and using the Australium option. I have a good memory on the scenario but not the details.. So if any of the other admins know what I'm talking about and are responsible for welcoming me to this community, please tell me. I would like to thank you personally. Whoever you are, you're the first admin to show me SwapShop's greatness. If it helps, this happened last summer.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 02:19:15 PM by Psykotik »
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Re: Positive Vibes Thread (Please don't spam this thread)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2016, 04:43:03 AM »
Being able to express how much we love people in this community is a great idea Blood, I thank you for posting this Topic. Ok Lets Do Dis!

Hamtaro - Bud I do not know where to start with you. You are one of my favourite posters on the forum. Serious to funny, you are what brought the forums to life. The longs chat in between topics, that is what makes me smile to see you reply to one of my comments.

Flying Knife- You are so chill dude, you are a really good Forum Administrator. You are the most professional admin on this forum. You handle situations very well, you have respect for everyone's beliefs, you let everyone have a say in topics and you when you are not serious, you are very chill and funny. You have gained my respect over the past couple of months, responding to every bugging question I ask you, and honestly I love you for that.

Death- The moment I laid eyes on the name TF2SS, I instantly fell in love. You are probably one of the most friendliest communities out there, and I thank you for creating these loving servers. Hopefully we can chat more in the near future.

Blood Rain- We have come a long way dude. The first time I met you, was the time you got promoted. You lived up to your custom forum tag "The Friendliest Admin". You helped me so much when I first applied for Admin. You gave me motivation to become an admin, even though I got rejected, you still gave me tips on how to make a better application in the future. You are the best friend in my situation. You have helped me through alot, honestly I love you for that. You have personally gained my respect through out the few months that I have been here for. I am kinda sour for you not approving of my Ideas, But hey, a decision is a decision. You are my best friend, and dont you ever forget that.

Psykotik- You funny guy! You always make me laugh when I join the server. Every time I see your name on my friends list pop up, I get so excited! Honestly you are an amazing admin, you make me so excited to join one of the TF2SS servers. Like you said in yours we do not interact with each other much, but when we meet up, its like a love story starting :D.

Peachiez- All the weird things me and you have said over these past few months, gosh. Like Psykotik, I get very happy to see you join Team Fortress 2. Honestly you are my favourite onee-chan! The nice comments you leave on my profile :D Its just a lovely sight for sore eyes.

Gerbillz- Gosh it has been a Long time since we have chatted. I am always lovingly happy to see a chat notification pop up with your name on it. Im sorry that I have not chatted to you for ages, but I am still trying to get back on my feet. I will add you on my new account when I am premium <3

Strum- Honestly the hype you cause when I join the server...It makes me cry with joy. The constant Hi and Hello's, They never get old for me <3 When you gave me that free gift, it made me think about this community and how generous it is. I am so lucky to meet you, and I am very happy to have you as a friend.

Hades- I am so sorry you got demoted man, you were honestly one of the best Recruit Specialist out there (Even though you were the only one). I dont know what was wrong with pixels, but I see no problems with you. Even though you got demoted, I still see you posting funny memes on the forums. When Is a sight for sore eyes.

Seventeen- Honestly you are one of the best numbers I have ever had the pleasure of meeting :D Thank you for your generous comments on my Leaving topic <3

Lunarium Wolf- When you left for those few months, I was really sad. You were the second admin I had the pleasure of meeting. I am sorry I never had talked to you as much as the others, but hopefully when I add you on my new account, We can have a really long chat :)

Thank you to everybody who welcomed me to this amazing community! Hopefully I can catch up with others later on in the year.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 08:00:25 AM by Nationn »