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Author Topic: Question for Not Pawky  (Read 22777 times)

Offline Grangathor

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Question for Not Pawky
« on: October 28, 2021, 10:45:02 PM »
If i'm chat banned doesn't that solve the issue? i legit just wanna play on the trade servers i'm not harassing any one in any way.

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2021, 05:13:26 PM »
You were banned for repeated offenses over the years. I’ve already made the owner, Death, aware of your behavior awhile back, so acting innocent and playing the victim card won’t get you anywhere. You chose to repeatedly break the rules and disrespect some staff members and now you must deal with the consequences.
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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2021, 05:47:53 PM »
But why does it matter what happened years ago? people change you know also what does that have to do with the past plus there's hardly any people on the servers also if the admins weren't harassing me over the years then we wouldn't have problems but that's a long time ago plus the admins do abuse their power a lot on the servers and they get away with it but for me to report that is bad?

Offline Grangathor

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2021, 05:49:50 PM »
also what ''repeated offenses over the years'' what me playing the game is breaking rules while other people are allowed to get with it i seen it happen a lot how come i'm the targeted one legit i seen it happen for so long to many other people on the servers plus pawky has a known history of just out right banning people if he doesn't like them.

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2021, 05:55:20 PM »
And another thing when i was unbanned? like yesterday pawky was just spectating me while i was muted gagged and i couldn't use the shop and he was just watching me for 10 mins straight like as soon as i join the server he's just there to ban me even tho i didn't even do anything also pawky has been demoted before so how come he's just allowed to go into like a rampage mode and no one does anything about it oh yeah right because the servers are hardly active any more so my question is how does pawky have enough hours to watch the server like 24/7 and as soon as i join a server he's just there just curious does he have nothing better to do then just watch me and then ban me even tho i'm not even doing anything plus if i'm chat banned gagged and shop banned what rules am i breaking?

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2021, 09:36:24 PM »
"People change you know"

Absolutely correct people can change.  I've seen people change over the years from bad habits and bad decisions.  It is clear you have not changed whatsoever

"if the admins weren't harassing me over the years then we wouldn't have problems"
Even if this is true, what makes you think this is justified?  "They hurt me so I'll hurt them!".  This is perhaps the most childish thing to say, and yet the closest you've come to even admitting your fault in this.

"pawky has a known history of just out right banning people if he doesn't like them."
Ah yes, I ban people I don't like even though I'd given you multiple chances and temporary commblocks and a temporary ban only for you to return to do the exact same thing.

"when i was unbanned? like yesterday pawky was just spectating me while i was muted gagged and i couldn't use the shop and he was just watching me for 10 mins straight like as soon as i join the server he's just there to ban me even tho i didn't even do anything"

This was a sourcebans db issue where your ban was removed from the db and having seen you in the servers I reinstated it.  Since this was a technical issue and the ban wasn't for cheating, I would've normally opted to not reinstate the ban but given the circumstances and how recent the ban was I chose to reinstate it

"also pawky has been demoted before"
absolutely incorrect.  Of my time here administrating swapshop servers I have never been demoted. 

I'm just going to post my summary because I don't believe anything about this is genuine at all.
Your behavior on the servers is appalling and I'm now sounding like a broken record.

You haven't once admitted your fault or wrong and all you've done in your posts and over the weeks leading up to your initial permaban is blame other people, make excuses, lie, and attempt to coerce your way out of punishments

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2021, 09:39:03 PM »
''You haven't once admitted your fault or wrong and all you've done in your posts'' Okay let's talk about this why would that matter if i'm perma ban you wouldn't listen in that case you wouldn't really care what i would have to say so what would be the point?

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2021, 09:43:38 PM »
I mean to be fair there's hardly any people playing on swap servers so i mean feel free to keep the perma ban on me if ya want but it's still silly how me doing something in the past really matters?

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2021, 09:47:38 PM »
Alright i will admit yeah i have said some stuff that was ''offensive harassment'' but it's all fun in game's everyone does it i didn't know this was the anti fun zone.

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2021, 10:14:47 PM »
When going through the process of punishing someone for breaking servers rules we will punish them through the removal of certain privileges before making on the decision of a permanent ban. You have passed the threshold (we have had to comban you 8+ times, along with several issue of harassment throughout your time on our servers) where we had to make that decision; resulting in your ban.

You have also failed to provide adequate information on your ban disabling us from considering your ban appeal. Before posting again I suggest reading what is provided on this link. http://tf2swapshop.com/forum/index.php?topic=390.0

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Re: Question for Not Pawky
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2021, 10:19:17 PM »
i can always make a alt lul