Alright, I'll be frank. You guys are just being jerks. Go ahead and be idiots and just mock me even more. Have your laughs. How dare I have an opinion. How dare I not know about the system. "Look guys! He's slipped up! What a hilarious moment! Let's make fun of him! Let's make him leave! Isn't he just the dumbest guy on here?" Guess what? You have no idea how much I valued your input, your thoughts, and your feelings. I've been pushed over the edge and I've lost all confidence in your ability to listen to your community. Man, I was an idiot to think highly of any of you guys.
You've got a new kiss-up applicant, a disrespecting head admin, a man who cares only about his reputation among average TF2 YouTube stars, a girl who can't say one good thing about anyone, and an administration fixed on "Administration First." You also get extraordinarily dumb applicants. Psy can't respect anyone, Lunarium is a pretentious pseudo-philosophical kiss-up, Spykotik only cares about herself, Sipow is a just Psy's tool, Hades is a bisexual nut, BloodRain doesn't want to confront his emotions and he can't trust anyone, and I bet you Death gets drunk every weekend. I'm too emotional and I have nothing; I have no one. All I have is my broken family and a few keyboards.
You're administration is like a man who never listens to his wife. You hear what she says and acknowledges her words but you never listen. Go to your friends to manipulate them and convince them that I'm wrong. But none of that matters. I know the truth and you know it too. Keep your fantasy if you please.
Let me get some apologies off my chest. I'm sorry I'm just not as deceptively clever as you guys. I'm sorry I actually have an opinion. I'm sorry that I wanted you guys to do progressive things to improve this institution. I'm sorry that I abstain from power. I'm sorry that I tell you the truth. I'm sorry that I actually have a set of emotions. And above all else, I'm sorry that I couldn't create friendships between any of you guys. It's a little hard to do anything when no one wants to cooperate with you.
Attitude reflects leadership. I'm the crowd and you are the leaders. So what does that say about you? Huh? What does that say about you? But look, I'm just a big hypocrite, right? It's not like I know anything about you guys. Just keep trying to push me over the edge.