Sixteen said that if one of my friends got rid of of an item witch she so called "scammed it" from this guy she whould unban but she lied! Shy[]Princess[]Eevee is the person who got banned. She has proof that she deleted it. Shy[]Princess[]Eevee did a broad cast of deleting it. The admin said no still! HELP
Sixteen: i just wanted it gone becuse its not good for you XD
By the way her profile is public!
At this point, nothing anyone says is going to have Eevee unbanned. It surprises me she had time to make an application shortly after being banned. she can't take the time out of her day and of the many times I've witnessed her on, to make herself a ban appeal?
At this point, there is more than enough information proving she's guilty. But she needs to learn at this point that she needs to
stop having her friends doing all the work for her.All there is left to do at this point is have a ban appeal added by her, and her alone. She was requested to make one upon her ban, and upon her application as well. So until she does, there won't be any chance of her unban being put into play.
If you want to be unbanned here on your "Favorite Server" Then
YOU go out of your way to do what's right. Own up to what you have done, and make that appeal now. The longer you take on this subject, the higher the chances of you being unable to rejoin back into the community.